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Dear Snowflakes: Your Feelings Are Meaningless | Live From The Lair
Life is pain. You are not special. The rules do apply to you. Deal with it before you die. <br>#TerrencePopp #Leftoids #SpecialSnowflakes <br> <br>The new Working Man’s Survival Guide Webinar is here! <br>Click on the Linktree below and follow the links! <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48073 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only!
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2 years ago
so, no thursday stream.... :(
or where you guys have the same issue that hammerhand had, no live on mgtow?
2 years ago
D&D reference = awesome
i miss the old school TT stuff.
2 years ago
that is why they are land whales, if they lay down for too long they crush themselves to death like beached whales...
2 years ago
I'm lazy but I'm not fat. I just match my caloric intake to my energy output. As long as I burn the calories I consume I can't get fat. Being obese looks like a lot of work. Moving all that extra weight can't be easy.
2 years ago
Feels Verses Reals now of days in modern soyciety
2 years ago
2 years ago