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Decriminalize Or Legalize The Worlds Oldest Profession
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1 year ago
Remember the fat blonde isn't a sex object. She says as she's wearing prostitute levels of makeup, showing her lack of cleavage, has the ugly orange tan, and looks inappropriate in a girly pink dress. Considering she's without a doubt an impure non-maiden who's slept with hundreds of men to make easy money. She can go work at WalMart if only men would stop paying for her pre-used sex toy body.
1 year ago
1 year ago
Yes Tim. Sex is not work. Getting paid for it or not. Just like social media and your entire channel. It's leisure time when you're not at work. You're unemployed and expect free handouts just like women Tim. Meanwhile better men are working so you have electricity, food, water, etc. While you suggest these men donate money to you? Gissa job Tim. Stop hosting a podcast with women. You criticize women's behavior sometimes. Yet here you are giving them a voice to thot around and spread their awful opinions.
1 year ago
It's already legal. That's what a "normal" male/female relationship is and always has been. You have to adopt and financially support a useless female who brings nothing good to a man's life.
God created man. Satan created woman to tempt man into the sin of Lust.
2 years ago
You had to choose the best-looking man-hater and the worst-looking hooker for this debate larp? There is only one reason anyone wants prostitution to be illegal, and that's because it gives men an escape from the marriage and divorce scam.
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago