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DEDICATED TO EGGY_NOGGY COVERT LIBTARD: How to get shot by the police voluntarily, a basic primer, volume I.

51 Views • 02/04/22
32 Subscribers

This is on average a typical way people get shot by the police. By not listening to clear instructions. When the police have you in their range and you don't disarm yourself and refuse to follow lawful orders, stuff like this happens. thankfully, this foolish young man lived. This was not the officers fault, it was the kids. Stop allowing people to not take accountability for thier actions. The media presents a one sided view and for every person the media sensationalized as being shot unarmed by an officer, there are a 1000 or more where this did not happen.

Eggy_Noggy is making videos indicting whites hate black people and their are white police officers going out of their way to systematically kill blacks and this is a pure falsehood that cannot be demonstrated throught the accurate data that has been shown decade after decade. We can argue about why the US blacks do what they do, but the statistics show, per capita, it is the black americans that are doing the majority of the homicides in the United States, not the police, and in most cases it is blacks killing each other, not whites. It is normal for criminals to engage with police, and sometimes during those encounters, they end up getting shot. This is to be expected. It is not proper to form arguments using the execeptional cases where an unarmed black is unjustly shot, this is exeedingly rare.

Eggy_Noggy says he is Swiss but he may be a Swede. He couldn't stand to have his misguided beliefs challenged so he deleted my comments and blocked me. I tried to tell him he seems like a guy who developed his opinion from watching CNN. He also doesn't seem to grasp that there is no European country that has a population of blacks over 5 percent, they are only visible because they are in the major cities and they are always commiting crimes. Being a police officer in a Euro country is easy mode compared to the US. A police officer killed in the line of duty is very uncommon in Europe where in the US it happens often. Crime rates in the US are magnitudes higher than in Europe. To try to draw a comparison is ⁣ludicrous, look it up for yourself if you don't believe me.

I don't understand what is wrong with these swiss/swede libtards. you guys are lost, please stop voting feminist and socialist leaders. You need to recognize how screwed up your views are so you can correct your misguided ways. Sweden is a very screwed up country. I don't know what type of psyops they have done to you guys there to make you think in such a screwed up way but you gotta stop or Europe is doomed and then the world will follow. Please stop with the anti-white rhetoric.

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Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

If that was a legally owned gun, by the shot individual, he had every right to retrieve his own property. One could argue, if that was a legal firearm, leaving it could be considered reckless abandonment of a deadly weapon.

3 years ago

You are very wrong. In the presence of an officer this is illegal to do especially if the officer is telling you not to. Please stop this, you are going to make people believe things that will get them hurt. It is insane you would even say this. If you were right, why isn't the officer in trouble?

3 years ago

I have more videos on my channel that will demonstrate the legal precedent as to why you are wrong but I know that won't change your mind probably.

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Its been deemed by the " Supreme court " police don't have to protect the citizens, they swear an oath to protect and serve, when made a police officer. Police are the enemy, that carry firearms and are willing to just shoot people , because they are trained to do such. Maybe the officers , should not be serving out " justice" on unconstitutional laws and court rulings that are totally tyrannical.

3 years ago

@Bad Apple: you are correct on your statement that police do not have a duty to protect citizens and I have a cartoon video about this on my channel. the rest of your statement is opinion, and you are entitled to it, however, it does not address the false statement you made regarding the guy in this video was within his legal right to reach for the firearm. Was the officer righteous in his action here or was he not?

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: The correct way would have been to back up and tell the cop I have a firearm in the car please don't let anyone near it . Done deal and you don't get shot .

3 years ago

some police really do suck but there is no racial disparity in unarmed shootings. Soon there will be no good police left and I hope you urbanite liberal scum get what you deserve, a living hell.

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

We are to believe anything that the " Federal Bureau of investigation " pans out, was not born yesterday. I wonder how many officers, destroyed people's lives, for throwing them in jail for a victimless crime?

3 years ago

@Bad Apple: I have made the implication that white officers and police officers in general are not unjustly targeting blacks. there is adequate data out there to show this. Do you have something other than opinion that can change my view to show me that blacks are being unjustly targeted? Do you have data that shows a different amount of officers died in the line of duty during 2019?

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I don't care about "race" BS, what I care about is officers serving out " justice " and waging war on people. Jesus, stop the race card bullshit, and look at the bigger picture. Your taking "facts" from the enemy, and just believing them, my goodness wakeup and know we are already at war.

3 years ago

@Bad Apple: do you think the officer was justified here or not?

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Not even going to believe anything the "News " has anymore, they are liars and no longer warrant any faith to deliver information.

3 years ago

@Bad Apple: its a body cam man, are you telling me its just a total fabrication?

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: No, the officer was not justified, to shoot another person that presented no threat. He can't see the future

3 years ago

@Bad Apple: he was reaching for a gun, did you watch the video?

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: does not matter if its a fabrication or not, I see the link " news " Automatically deemed not even worth a click. For I literally have no faith in the " News or any Government " , anymore. May seem retarded, and yes at a certain level it maybe, but how much bad shit has to occur until you hate the people bringing it to your door step?

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

@TelepathicRap So, he might be, what happens if he owns the gun? Like I stated before, if its his property he has the right to retrieve it. The officer just by being present seemed more dangerous, cause here in America, they are trained to shoot first. What happens ( and this has happened ) if it was a cell phone?

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

@Bad Apple: He'll it could be a lighter that has the appearance of a gun

3 years ago

@Bad Apple: you are making a much larger argument then what is at hand here. I am also frustrated by some of the things police and fbi do and overall I have lost respect over the years for these groups as organizations. However, that doesn't mean everything they say is a lie. Further, you are a delusional if you think a cop shouldn't shoot if a person is reaching for a gun when they are telling them not too. You have also made a false statement in regards to it being lawful for him to reach for a gun during a police encounter. He saw the gun before the young man even came up to the car. Further, it doesn't matter if it was a cell phone in this case because the officer is telling you to stay away from the car and stop reaching. Please reconsider what you are saying here, it is very unrealistic for you to put this level of burden on the police officer in this case.

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Just by the officer being present, increases the danger factor, that just common sense. Police have no right to tell you what to do, just because a bunch of other people tell him so.

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

Thinking you have rulership over another being, is delusion in the grandest of scales.

3 years ago

@Bad Apple: no legally, you have made another factually false statement, in this situation the officer is well within his right to question and stop this young man because he is at the scene of an accident and is suspected to be the person who was operating the vehicle. I assure you, it is you who is suffering from a grand delusion.

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: The law no longer exist, the government and supreme court have broken the law themselves, under the constitution of the united states.

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

Its going to be the wild west, and it is, just most people think everything is still " hunky dory " .

3 years ago

@Bad Apple: if it turns into the wild west it will be because of people thinking some of the ideas you have presented here. It seems like the officer in this video could have done nothing right from your perspective.

3 years ago

@Bad Apple: Within the framework of this video, you have asserted the officer was wrong, the young man was right to reach for the gun, and the officer had no right to be there. You are wrong on all counts.

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: thankyou for finally understanding that, he could do nothing right because he is serving a corrupt ideology. While taking orders and resources from an obviously evil oriented government.

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Yes the officer just " assumed" the person had evil intentions and fired. Like I stated before, the officer has no right to command anyone but himself.

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

Just because a group of Humans, got together and made " Laws ", does not mean they are right in that decision. So enforcing these " Laws " is just bullshit, people hoping they can control the reality they perceive.

3 years ago

@Bad Apple: It's the DA that ruins their lives. Policecare just doing what they are told. When they overstep their legal limits, then you have a reason some say a duty to stand up to tyranny. Still. Back up. Let the officer survey the area and then say, "I need to get my gun. Here's my conceal carry." From my experience, when the cop sees your conceal carry license, they tend to relax...

3 years ago

@Bad Apple: Are you Blsck or a "POC" or minority? Your 'ctural leaders' do you an inservice by brewing fear and disrespect for police. They are the ones gwtting you killed. Follow directions, stay nonthreatening, and let the scene calm down. "Then, sir, I need to retrieve my firearm. Here is my license... "

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: If you as a soldier, follow obviously oppressively orders, your evil done. Don't the police have "rankings" that mimic the military ranks, so I presume they are soldiers. Any soldier that follows order/ law without thinking just enables evil and or oppression.

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Wow, so way off the mark, thanks for the laugh. :)

2 years ago

@Bad Apple: Well, if you want to survive the police interaction. no, I was not a soldier: I was an airman or air farer in the USAF and a sailor in the USN. However, cops are afraid of military because we have seen combat anrd more likely participated in two range rifle range unlike most cops who never fired a shot in combat. But, hey, survival is over rated. One should opt to be another statistic!

2 years ago

@Bad Apple: The point of colamly following orders and handing him the conceal carry license is he usually calms down. Because believe it or not, have conceal licenses is like vetting for the individuals. The poor underpaid bastard can lighten up on his fear of getting shot unless he initiates hostility, More likely, he would piss his pants once engaging in hostility. But hey, why grow up? in current year?

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