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Desmond is Amazing (I formed an opinion that was wrong - based upon my failing to fact check)

26 Views • 06/25/22

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2 years ago

Poor kid…….

Swift and violent death to those who hunt our children.

2 years ago

The wikipedia page for Desmond has been edited multiple times by the sodomite libtards at wikipedia. This is what it used to say in one section:

Napoles identifies as gay and states that he has been out since a very early age. Napoles’s parents stated that at the age of two or three, they understood that he was “likely gay” and they exposed him to a variety of gay culture, including showing him drag performances and taking him to pride parades. Napoles’s parents stated that he was “openly gay” when he entered kindergarten. Napoles’s mother reports that he began gravitating towards drag performances when he was two and watched RuPaul’s Drag Race. According to Napoles’ parents, Napoles is on the autism spectrum and his drag activity helps him relieve symptoms of autism disorder.

These parents are mentally ill. Please explain to me how you can know that a child is gay at the age of 2 or 3? And then they decide to voluntarily bring their child to a gay pride parade? absolutely bizarre behavior. The parents TURNED Desmond into a maladapted kid with abnormal behavior by bringing him to gay pride parades and having him perform mock strip dancing as early as 8?!?

2 years ago

Have you lost it man? The kid is doing these strange simulated strip dance type events with adults throwing money at him. The "parents" are sexualizing their child. This is very grooming type behavior, a nation with proper laws would have these "parents" arrested. I am having difficulty trying to ascertain what you have misjudged? Desmond is amazing is an abused child who is not being given a fair chance at life and the "parents" have failed at their job and should probably be arrested for child abuse.


I am not saying anyone is right or wrong. I am just looking at the facts presented by these people, instead of all the other opinions about them, by people who are not them. The people running around calling his security guard a pedophile - "Where is the evidence?" "Do they have proof?" "Has he ever been convicted of this?" - then why are these people saying these things about him? One in all in hysteria is not an answer, and it is not a solution, nor is it the correct way to think.

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: ah so you are saying you are changing your opinion of the security guard? well I can hear you there to an extent, I never saw anyone saying the dude was a pedo, but I would definitely be suspect of him. Does anyone even know his name? Is there any article showing he was accused of being a pedo? Dude looks suspect for sure.


@TelepathicRapist: In the original video it was titled, "Pedo's out in the open" - and I thought, "Yeah I will empty his brains from his skull" - but the narrative of this guy accompanying little Dennis, looked like he was his "well groomed" biker security guard, and not some guy who was molesting him.... AND just because someone else called him a pedophile, does not make it true. So rather than getting swept up with the indiscriminate tidal wave of hysteria and accusations - i just looked at what I saw, and not what other people were telling me existed. In regards to Dennis, I rememember going up against my idiot grandmother and mother, who would not let me stay up to watch a genuinely good movie, because I had a LONG flight and trip back to the other side of the country the next day - what You mean I can't stay up an extra two hours tonight and sleep on the trip back across the country the next day... Fucking idiots. So these morons condition the vitality for life out of you, and so do all the nay sayers and people who declare this or that, with no evidence or proof.


Maybe his security guard is a genuinely NICE guy who does look after him.


@TelepathicRapist: AND no one has applied the most basic of tests, "Has Dennis ever gone to the police, saying, this guy held me down and raped me - he fucked my arse and filled me with his cum etc., and left me bound and gagged in a vacant house" - and then the cops did an anal swap and matched the DNA in the kids arse with the DNA from the security guard?" - NO they haven't. So the pedophile hysteria - there are some gays who are sick and then there are some gays who are actually fairly decent.

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I hear where you are coming from but until we can ID the guy its all speculation either way. Historically speaking, a lot of these people are usually discovered to be registered sex offenders when a closer look is taken. for instance the california gay men's choir made a sarcastic music video joking about turning children gay, then they find numerous members of the choir are registered sex offenders. In addition, just recently they discovered a few of these drag queen story hour clowns that show up to libraries and schools to read to children, and they found out some of them were registered sex offenders as well and they just sweep it under the rug. I would say the best approach at this point is to be suspect until proven otherwise, and the first step to that would be to ID the dude and run his name on the federal sex offender registry. I don't think it is hysteria when we keep finding registered sex offenders trying to get close to children in a vunerable position like desmond who has been sexually abused by his parents.

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: also if desmond were groomed by parents since the age of 2 and told it was normal for adults to do these things to you then its possible he wouldn't say anything because he was scared or confused. This has happened a lot in the past to victims of abuse which is why we as adults are supposed to be suspect of people like this.

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: we can clearly see at this point we cannot rely on the judgement of the parents to be careful to background check the person looking after their child.


@TelepathicRapist: You know - Wikipedia being edited by 1001 people is of dubious worth. I just saw an article with Desmond in it, and I assumed that the content of the article about him, included this information. I am ending this too and fro shit. If you want to know anything about Desmond - go and ask him yourself. Better yet, go interview him yourself.


@TelepathicRapist: People are calling him a pedo - without proof. This is all it comes down too.

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