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Devastating house explosion caught by Ring doorbell

15 Views • 08/14/23
136 Subscribers

At least five people have died, including one child, in a freak house explosion in Plum, Pennsylvania. The blast destroyed a total of three houses, damaging at least a dozen more and shaking windows up to 10 miles away. Nearly 60 first responders also received treatment for injuries after an extensive rescue and firefighting effort. <br> <br>The cause of the explosion is currently unknown. Local gas provider, Peoples Natural Gas, said that their system was operating ‘as designed’ and that company workers immediately began to check for leaks following the blast. Assistant Fire Chief Steve Imbarlina said that the ‘investigation may last for months, if not years.’ James Sims, emergency management coordinator for Plum, said that ‘I’ve been to six house explosions in Plum, this is the worst I’ve seen.’ <br> <br>Wait, six? <br> <br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:

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2 Comments sort Sort By

I am not a real expert on this, but that looked like a very carbon rich rapid combustion, from down in a basement, so it all went straight up, instead of blowing all over, like a gas leak conflagration... and Gas leak fires tend to be fluffy and have a high hydrogen to carbon ratio, so there is a lot of blue flame to yellow / orange flame - so gas leak explosions tend to be whispier, rapid and not so orange and yellow.... compared to something like a nitrocellulose (nitrated cellulose) very rapid fires.. Perhaps reloader with 100 or 200 Kg or more of loose powder, and some liquid fuels like petrol, turpentine, kerosene, paint thinners, etc., fucked up somehow....

There was a LOT of carbon in the fire.. so it was SOLID yellow / orange and not terribly transparent... even for the middle of the day in strong sunlight.

2 years ago

That looked like a bomb going off somewhere inside the house at least near the central portion of it. Thus is the question: Who lived there? That will lead to what brought about there murder.

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