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Devil in Disguise....The Misfits
• 03/18/21
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4 years ago
They are obligate liars and deceivers, and they're stealing from every man in society, via numerous mechanisms. It's the THEFT part that really bugs me.
They have a dual survival strategy; socialism of state resources, yet demanding men of honour, integrity, industriousness and competence. They fail to realize that they can either have one or the other. Our civilization is going to come crashing down. Fellas, give them NOTHING.
4 years ago
I was once told- you bed down a chick with a lot of make-up on- you'll wake-up to her ugly sister (wink) wondering what the hell happened. Their make-up + your inebriation = morning after chaos .
4 years ago
I had a ginger girlfriend in my misspent youth, I'll never forget the only time I ever saw her w/out makeup - it was shocking!
4 years ago
You wrong for even putting that troglodite on screen . lol
4 years ago
4 years ago
A painted turd is still a turd.