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Digging Out The Base of Your Bullshit - Lonely No More!

11 Views • 11/01/22

Emotionally Healthy Men - Can You Dig It!

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2 years ago

My old MAN was a CUNT most of his life, I was the older son and I got the beatings, never my younger Brother. I'm the on that turned out strong and independent of mind. The only day he could be nice was Christmas day, well Christmas morning, Until we went to grans he seemed to turn bad again. Mum was always seriously ill and on a couple of Christmases we had to go and see her in Hospital the second time she passed on a few day's later, I was just 14 years old. I was no mummies boy but the only people I can honestly say probably loved me were Mum and Nan and Granddad on her side of the family. I do think of them at those holiday times but NOT in a SAD way but remember the good times and a silent chuckle to myself, no tears or any of that crap, I shed my last tear for humanity decades ago and that's the way it now stay's.


Yeah well I hope this information was helpful - because it's really important to understand just how deep and all consuming this "brainwashing" is - it's sort of cellular - a component of the composing the personality - that it is - but it can be undone.... "I am my own standard, not the conditioning that was imposed upon me by others".


It's like popping a really deep and toxic pimple on your nose, but the core of it goes to the heart.... It is a deep, hard, painful squeeze and it can take a LONG time to get the thumbnails down in under it to squeeze THEIR shit out of your mind and life.


And the information is, "That your not stuck - the damage can be undone" - my mother used to play all these Bing Crosby (and similar) Christmas Carol LP records, for the 12 days before Christmas.... Now they WERE nice songs... but the borderline psychotic CATHOHOLIC (her family was so fucked over from that cult) - just fucking way over did it.... ==== As I was writing this last bit on the 12 days before xmas and mother dearest.... I just saw myself repeating the same patterns - but I'd be listening to "AA and other recordings" in the same endless repetition way..... But I "got well" - and mother dearest - and her intractable borderline psychotic mindset - she remained a lying cunt till the end of her days.....

2 years ago

Christmas always these day's makes me think of Kevin Bloody Wilson and that song he does "Santa Claus you CUNT"! lol! or "Satan Claus Swabb" at the WEF! I think that CUNT is a reincarnation of Hitler! lol!

2 years ago

A few years ago before I actually got in the good place I'm in now (On my own), I wrote some polite and interesting letters to my relatives, well their addresses, don't know if they got the fucking things or not because I never got even one reply. Even my own daughter who I got stop over rights for when she was small, and we had a fantastic Ball and lot's of funny, wont even contact me she is heading towards 40 now, I have a Granddaughter I've never seen. I gave my daughter everything as a child, love attention and lot's of laugh's and visit's to interesting place, etc, then at 14 she suddenly didn't want to see me anymore? Poisoned by the Ex I guess who could lie through her teeth like a Politician. but do you know I so longer even think of her even at Christmas now. I think Humanity is or has DIED and sometime ago as well? The Covid BULLSHIT I think for many was the last straw, all those that you thought were friends including family seemed to evaporate over night, so no forgiveness from me is the order of the day. sometimes IO don't see anyone except when I go shopping for supplies, but do I give a shit? NAH! If you do try to spark up a conversation with a funny remark or something the fucking NPC's look at you like you're mad or something. So a life of solitude is what is thankfully for ME, with only responsibility for ME as well. I'm hoping that when I die there is a better place or a new beginning would be good, but I'm not gonna' know anyway. Also when I die I hope the CUNT's don't find me for month's that way the clean up bill will off set all the taxes and rates I paid and got fuck all for! lol! Anyway mate, you have a good day.

2 years ago

Holidays are just another day these day's I guess unless you have kid's that is. Living with your own company or being able to cope on your own is a bit of an advantage that prevents loneliness ever occurring. I have some great memories of Christmas as a kid but as a teen it all went south very quickly. I'm not religious, but I do have an old record I play on a digital turntable of traditional Carols that I do like to play on Christmas morning, I also still make even a kind of Christmas dinner for just one as well.

As for family and Christmas I've learned a lot about the background events in the family. People think dysfunction in a family is something new, they are wrong. Like you Shane I'm the one that wanted to know the reality and it did cost me a family, but then I don't give a shit anymore.


Waaaa.... Yeah the crazy family crap - It just goes right on through the generations.... And it's comparatively normal...... The next video with the feminists is a doozy....

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