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Diplomacy be damned | US and allies go all in to isolate Russia
As War in Ukraine continues to shake world politics, the US and its allies are trying to exclude Russia from international institutions, with the G20 being the latest <br> <br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:
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3 years ago
The west will implode first. Russia will be fine.
3 years ago
President Putin, I urge you to reject any 3rd party calls for “peace” and declare that “peace “ is what brought on this war in the first place. The kind of false peace that stands by while Zionist aggression goes unchecked. The kind of false peace that fecklessly hopes for the Jews to come to their sense and ceases their aggression against the Russian people in eastern Ukraine.
President Putin MUST say in plain language that the Zionist regime is illegitimate and can only be quelled by FORCE. Putin must back that up with a massive aerial bombing campaign to destroy all roads and railroads along the western Ukrainian border. Putin MUST cut off outside supply lines to the Zionist regime’s forces!