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Do MGTOWs Need To Leave The West Behind?

399 Views • 08/02/22
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⁣Sandman Contact Info &amp; Store: <br>Email: [email protected] <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hey Sandman, I was wondering if you could make a video on this topic… “Best trades for overseas work”. My question is… what trade do you think can best transfer to a steady quality of life overseas? (Especially in countries like Turkey or SE Asia.) Any country that has a dualingo/ Rosetta Stone program would be ideal. Let me know if you’ve heard any success from MGTOWS moving overseas, working and staying long enough to appreciate the local culture. Especially a MGTOW monks perspective and not general knowledge about living overseas. How do you think a foreigner can self actualize when surrounded by poverty in countries like Africa or the Philippines? Let me know if this if this sounds like a crazy/ dumb idea.&quot; Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. It's not a dumb idea. A lot of guys from the west are becoming ex pats. It's become an issue for people in places like Mexico city where they have been putting signs up all over the cities telling Americans to go home because they are gentrifying the city and driving up the real estate prices for the locals. Never in a million years did I expect Mexicans to complain about too many Americans coming to their country even after fifty plus years of Mexicans coming to America illegally. I've got a client that went his own way and moved to Mexico and works remotely. Unless you can find a remote job I wouldn't bother going someplace else. That client in Mexico bought a townhouse in a gated compound with security and that seems to be the way to go. Another Canadian that's done that as well as the guy the runs the Dollar Vigilante channel that you can find on Bitchute and Odysee these days. He's well on his way to becoming a Bitcoin billionaire. I would also suggest looking at Eastern Europe first because the people there have a more western way of life and mentality except with better food and better looking women. If you are into IT there's a guy named Eric that runs a YouTube channel called Belgrade Beat and moved from Toronto to Serbia. He's not even Serbian but picked up the language and bought a house for somewhere around 20 thousand dollars. The way he makes money is partially from his YouTube channel but mostly by recruiting people from the west to work for a London based IT company in Serbia. So if someone wants to work at an IT job that pays much lower than the west but more than enough to live in luxury in Serbia then contact Eric over at Belgrade Beat. It's a great lead if you're into IT. You can also get a trade job in a 3rd or 2nd world country but you'll probably struggle just as much financially if you get one in the west. The trades won't get paid enough where you want to go. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>11 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by &quot;;

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10 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

This is the perfect era for western men that can make money from the west without living in the west to move abroad, their countries will not become as corrupted as the west at least until 2070. Meaning we may be the last generation that can use abroad as a solution to clown world.

3 years ago

I hear that Istanbul turkey, is roughly experiencing the Americans 1950s as they just passed divorce into their society, however they are far better off than we are currently when it comes to respecting men in their society.

Yes it's true that they will essentially become just like us, but it will take a good 60 or 70 years before that happens in that culture, and yes you might have to learn the language and learn to love living there, but politics wise and the way men are treated there is far better than what we are getting currently.

So in comparison for the next 60 or 70 years they will be treated far better than we will as time moves onward.

I'm afraid our society will slowly start to turn into India, where men are essentially being kidnapped and all of their money is being stolen and the men are all simps who are the biggest pussy beggars on the planet Earth.

If you want to avoid all that nonsense, perhaps consider moving to Turkey, because they are experiencing essentially the 1950s of what America had way back then where men were much more respected, the divorce laws are still kind of fucked up but they're not nearly as fucked up as they are here in the West.

3 years ago

I have been to Turkey in the 90s specifically Istanbul or old Constantinople; it's very hilly meaning you are walking up and down hills all the time, or driving that way. They had a Pizza Hutt... oh, it was good.

3 years ago

Soon, Canada might just outright ban certain websites from being used, and at that point in time it will be Paramount for you to use a VPN if you're not using one already.

Unfortunately this is the only way to get around that problem when your country starts to ban certain websites, and they can control what websites you go to depending on how much they infiltrate services that provide you internet.

3 years ago

There was a recent article-- I think it was RGE (Raging Golden Eagle, though some of us fuck with him and call it Erection) or Switch To Linux did a report on ISPs loosing a court case to Media mafia about blocking pirated stuff or even "access" to Ii would sday uncensored "news." It's about to get worst fast since the ISPs have to pay the media copyright mafia.

3 years ago

Even traditional countries are going to be feministic.

3 years ago

True, but some are still better off than we are, and will have a lot longer befor their countries follow sute.

3 years ago

Pussy. The original addictive drug... it's actually why we can become addicts from the "pharmacy" in our heads as a result of "rewarding: us for reporduction, which is kind of gross if you think about, but the ghey shit is even grosser...)


3 years ago

Probably. And sooner rather than later.

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