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Do Modern Women Want Submit To Men?
#TheReclaimation #Reclaim <br> <br>The gender war is over. Now it's time to negotiate the peace. <br> <br>What needs to happen for you as a woman to happily submit to the authority of your man? <br> <br> <br>Question of the Day <br>Why are young black women seemingly so susceptible to "feminism" or "womanism"? <br> <br>sus·cep·ti·ble <br>/səˈseptəb(ə)l/ <br>Learn to pronounce <br>adjective <br>1. <br>likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing. <br> <br>Intro: 0:00 <br> <br>Show Starts ?: 15:05 <br> <br>Fragrance of the Day/The Godfather's Monologue: 20:09 & 22:52 <br> <br>The Godfather reviews a call from the previous show: 32:32 <br> <br>Money World ????: 1:32:24 <br> <br>First Caller: 1:36:42 No audio on the caller; 1:39:16 The Godfather summarizes the call. <br> <br>Second Caller: 1:39:41 she says women need to stop looking to men as the reason for not submitting. <br> <br>Third Caller: 1:42:03 32 y/o woman whose call was reviewed in the monologue calls back; <br>and the two have a HUGE back and forth debate! <br> <br>Fourth Caller: 2:15:20 married stay at home mom of 6 years with 4 kids says modern women DO NOT want to submit to a man! <br>Her and The Godfather get into a debate about the history of black women/men and the black community. <br> <br>Fifth Caller: 2:26:29 married woman of 12 years pushes back on the third caller's view of Stay At Home Wives. <br> <br>2:34:38 The Godfather continues to discuss with the third caller and tries to give her perspective! <br>The Godfather asks her about what the outcome she wants to achieve with her life and summarizes the show. <br> <br>The Godfather previews future shows/End of the show: 2:47:03
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