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Do Women Have Souls

44 Views • 07/08/22


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Women Probably Don't Have Souls!


Landover Baptist Creation Scientist, Dr. Jonathan Edwards, announced findings related to his research into the female soul early this week. "The absence of either salvation or condemnation for women finds extensive support in the Word of God." He reported. "Jesus said that the sole reason God created women in the first place was to provide company and service to men (1 Corinthians 11:9), God determined that men would be lonely living alone, so he created women purely to keep men company and serve their needs (Genesis 2:18-22).

Women are therefore completely subordinate to men (1 Corinthians 11:3). It stands to reason, though, that once men enter the Kingdom of Heaven, they will be one with God, and will no longer be lonely and in need of mortal companionship.

Thus, the reason behind having women will no longer exist. Women, like the members of the animal kingdom, will fall by the wayside."

Dr. Edwards went on to say that, "once men reunite with their maker, they will no longer be burdened with the care of women. After all, women were inferior creations from the start. Women are fond of self-indulgence (Isaiah 32:9-11). They are silly and easily led into error (2 Timothy 3:6). They are subtle and deceitful (Proverbs 7:10; Ecclesiastes 7:26). They are zealous in promoting superstition and idolatry (Jeremiah 7:18; Ezekiel 13:17, 23). And they are active in instigating to iniquity (Numbers 31:15-16; 1 Kings 21:25; Nehemiah 13:26). It was the inherent weakness of women that led them to be deceived by Satan (Genesis 3:1-6; 2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Timothy 2:14). Consequently, women were cursed from the start (Genesis 3:16). There is simply no room in heaven for such flawed and inadequate beings."

Pastor Deacon Fred warned the congregation that there was no reason to be alarmed. "Dr. Edwards' Godly and anointed conclusions still need to be formalized by the Board of Deacons," he assured. "I am certain that our team of religious experts will find some way to tippy-toe around these Scriptures."

Some of the women present to hear the report were visibly shaken. A teary eyed Sister Taffy Crockett said through choked sobs, "I've heard of colored women not having souls... but me? NO! This is outrageous!"

Pastor did have some comforting words for the ladies of Landover. "I personally want to assure all female members of this church that until we examine Dr. Edwards' research to our complete satisfaction, consider yourselves saved until further notice."

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2 years ago

Descartes said "cogito, ergo sum, or, I think, therefore I am" I truly do believe that to have conscious thought outside of group/herd mentality/programming, you must have the ability of critical, independent thought, this is the mark of having a soul. A lot of women seem to lack these features. Landover baptist thinks they are being comical but its almost as if they have pointed out the truth in the matter, that these are soulless beings by choice condemned to hell. Not sure what they are getting at here other then a comical way to arrive at the truth of things. he is also just telling outright blasphemy considering the bible warns you not to look upon women with lust.


Copy and paste the text into an email and send it to all your local churches.

2 years ago

Yup, told you women don't have souls. And yes, they get the sins of guys looking at them because they are sharmootahs


I have to go to bed for a few hours and then get up and do a heap of writing papers on the ghouls....


Women - NOT all of them are shit but there are a lof ot them that are seriously fucked up....


2 years ago

Shane I think you have a new gold mine on your hands!

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