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Tonight we explore the depths of Black Pilled Celebrities by asking the question, "Do Women Run Game". <br> <br>Plus knowledge, the roast, and of course trolls. <br> <br>We will mention all donations live on the show. <br>$SmashTvLive <br> <br> <br>48 Laws of Dating - The book that educates men about the reality of dating. <br> <br> <br>The Black Pill - This book explains Origins of the Black Pill <br>
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3 years ago
Always great content
3 years ago
Certainly yeah, They invented game.
3 years ago
What's good!
3 years ago
Bezos' chick is feeling for Leo's d!ck. Problem is she's too old for Leo. You're right, she's creaming in her panties while standing next to Leo.
3 years ago
More proof that these heauxs ain't loyal. To each his own.