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Does the Bible Contradict Reality? Debate with Creationist
• 07/30/23
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2 years ago
You are circular! Grayson. There is evidence of the Flood, of the Exodus, of Atlantis, etc, but you are blind to it and dismiss any actual physical evidence because your mind is hardened against the Truth, like a true Leftist.
2 years ago
Words and sentences are NOT the same dumbass! There are hundreds of languages with different words, different syntaxes, and different interpretations.
In the Beginning of MAN, God created Heavens and the Earth. He is literally giving you a point of reference dumbass. You are playing useless word games to create confusion vecause you are shit. There is no contradiction!? Only in your dumbass head.
So every book has the sa.e beginning? Every natuon has the same beginning, THE BEGINNING? You dumbass are closed minded and I hope you like it toasty bitch.
You brought up nothing but false bullshit being pushed by mainstream liars. So, fuck off useless liar.
2 years ago
What you fail to understand is the Bible was written with a limited vocabulary not with a vocabulary that has a plethora of words suck as our English language which has words from multiple languages... Most people are dumb you have to explain things at a kindergarten level in order to give then an idea of what you're saying.
2 years ago
A reductive atmosphere would be "yellow," while an oxidative sky appears "blue."
2 years ago
That's dumb. The sky is not blue it appears blue because of an optical illusion.