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Doll Clothing: Lingerie
Hey y'all, so this is where I buy my ladies their sexy lingerie. The link I share is only temporary and it only allows for a few hours for me to actually get the store credit. No big deal I guess, I wil try contacting them to see if they can give me a more permenant code to share. Any ways, let me know what you think, do I talk too much? Did it at least make sense? Are my ladies sexy? Did you like my new Background? lol
thanks for stoping by.
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4 years ago
Ha very nice set up!
5 years ago
If a doll has tpe skin what kind of clothing material should a doll owner stay away from to avoid stains?
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
"Are my ladies sexy? " No. They are frightening. Seriously, you are not all there. You do realize that yes? You do realize this is not healthy? These are chunks of polysiloxane.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
thats a great question. you absolutely can. my girls usually wear pirate boots. lol.
5 years ago
Can you buy shoes for them, like high heels?