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Don't aim at the legs, shoot to kill

104 Views • 05/13/22
80 Subscribers

Another murder that goes unpunished.

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2 years ago

In Germany we aim for the legs, .., but I guess you yanks are 20% Negro mix, so you end up with this shit calling for a womens extermination.

2 years ago

This woman unfortunately needed to be met with force a taser would have been ideal but she should have put the knife down with a gun trained on her. She was motioning for him to put his gun down first, haha, I mean this is crazy, I know a lot of people dislike cops but stuff usually has to escalate if the police are called and expecting the officer to disarm first is absurd in my view. Its insane to me how severely women and low IQ people have a problem listening, she looks like a child the way she defiantly stands there. I want to set some facts straight. In the US knives kill more people than rifles on a yearly basis according to FBI stats. If you think you are safe with a gun aimed at a person with a knife that close to you, you are not, police are trained with a drill known as the tueller drill which demonstrated repeatedly with data collected over many decades how quickly a person with a knife can close in on a person with a gun. The police are justifiably trained to shoot when facing an opponent armed with a knife, and this will stand up in court as a righteous kill. They show repeatedly that a person with a knife can close the distance the woman is standing and stab an officer before he could theoretically draw his weapon. With his weapon drawn, it is a game of chance if the woman rushed whether or not the woman will win with a stab or the officer will with a few well placed shots. The best way to have solved this was likely to use a taser but I am unsure of the entire story surrounding what took place here.

2 years ago

I don't disagree with you at all. I don't like pigs, no matter if I'm friends with blokes who followed that path or not. In this case, he had enough time to shoot a leg. Not gonna pretend he could have used the force and shoot the knife out of her hand, that's ridiculous. A leg... he could have done it. Yes, there are countless stories of people with knives killing people with guns. A few years back there was a video of a bloke with a revolver running away from another with a knife, and trying to shoot him at the same time, unsuccessfully. Bullets didn't scare the knife wielding one, but the knife...

2 years ago

By "use the force" I mean "use the force Luke".

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: Imagine though they try to program the officers to act in a certain way in a heated situation. The way they are trained is to do exactly what he did, two shots center mass, re-acquire aim to head if target not incapacitated. this is called Mozambique Drill. the officer has been trained to do what he did in this video. They are not trained to go for the legs. Best option would be for there to be two officers, one with gun, another with less than lethal. One officer tries to incapacitate with less than lethal, if it fails, the other officer is there to shoot the lady. But like all things in life, the ideal circumstances rarely happen in reality.

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: exactly, they are trained to kill. But... wanna bet he wouldn't shoot to kill if the woman was a famous person?

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: the police have indeed destroyed celebrities and littered them with bullets in multiple cases. Some of them happened prior to bodycams becoming mainstream. There is a famous one of this actress with a bb gun who went psycho, they annihilated her with a flurry of bullets. It looked like the scene from v from vendetta or elias from platoon. I will try to find the video

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: the US is strange in someways in that there are people who are rich and famous who still act like very low level trash people or they become mentally ill like the lady in that video with the bb gun. The US has a lot of freedom in comparison to a lot of other countries and this can lead to strange outcomes for some people, I really think a lot of humans did not evolve to be able to handle having so much freedom.

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Tell you something that happened to me, and how shitty they are. Two lane road, a bus driving slowly on the fast/overtake lane. I just had enough and overtook it on the right. As soon as I did it, a pig with his had up. Ok, I fucked up, not getting out of this. I stop, he asked me if I knew why he stopped me, usual tactics, I said no, but he would tell me, ask for the documents... all that shit we know. I was getting a ticket, 100% guaranteed. He then decided to go around the car to make sure there was something else so I couldn't get away from a ticket. Well, there was. He had no idea who I am, just a fucker who did what he shouldn't. But by the windshield i had a book. If you have some knowledge about law, that book is a very common and famous book which contains a set of laws. And he clearly knows that book and what having that book means. I also have a fancy German sports car, which did help. He came back, returned the documents, told me to be careful next time and to have a good day. Do you think I would have been that lucky if I was driving a 2009 Ford fiesta, and that book wasn't there?

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: Well I think you are talking about blacks law dictionary? I mean there are people who have made pretty strong arguments that traffic cops target high end cars more that economy cars. I also find these fines on the roadway annoying and I know it is revenue generation and I am mostly against it. I think it should be based on points mostly, not fees, so if you keep getting more points, eventually you lose your license to drive. I really don't know what to say man, traffic cops differ severely in their behavior based on the locality, I mean there are parts of my state where they are a lot different then other parts. If I was right about my guess about blacks law dictionary, I mean I would bet there are a lot of officers that don't even know what that is. One of the things that is growing in the UK and the USA is the speed cameras, red light cameras, and they even have cameras on school buses now that ticket you if you pass with the stop sign swung out. Its out of control, I agree. I always argue, it would be best for most people to try to move to a more rural area in a lot of cases because most cities in the western world are becoming more and more similar regardless of the country, this is because they are following the same model, import a bunch of immigrants, and go further and further to the left.

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: you can easily escape a lot of this trouble by leaving the urban areas. It is not profitable for them to put speed cameras and red light cameras on roads that have fewer cars on them. They are going to go after the low hanging fruit. Rural areas don't have such a large tax revenue to draw on to have endless money to create insane levels of bureaucracy

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: it's not that book. I'm in shitern Europe. The traffic police here targets mainly commercial vehicles, and apart from that, they only care about speed tickets. In this case it was the regular pigs who do everything, and inside the city. The traffic police... those fuckers are vicious. Not even the other divisions inside that police force like them. There were cases of people calling, let's call it the do all brunch, on the traffic brunch, and they stand by the people against the fuckers who dress the same uniform. Everyone, and I mean it, hates the traffic police. And here he have not only points deducted, financial penalty, and every time you get a ticket, you're not allowed to drive up to 2 years. It's fucking ridiculous this oppression.

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: what book are you talking about then?

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: the thing here is on the rural areas, the people know the police, and they know that. In the city a pig off duty is just a random face. Not on rural areas. They fuck up, they have a bad time. But... the traffic police are national. They can be here today and 600km away tomorrow. They don't have to worry about people fucking with them off duty. And that is by design. So they are kept in stress, and no attachment to nothing or anyone.

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: basically is the law about your rights in society.

2 years ago

fear based emotion. Basically hes a fucking pansy. I know some of them have hard times but this proves they do not recruit seasoned warriors but scared little boys with guns. He had ample time to get a tazer or pepper spray out

2 years ago

Of course they are carefully selected. Can't have mental and emotionally balanced people enter the force. And the ones who slip the tight scrutiny, are severely harassed. They are deliberately kept under pressure for a reason. I know a couple of them, I've heard the stories.

2 years ago

So let's say the Cop DOES, shoot her in the leg...she goes down, but still REFUSES to let go of the knife..THEN what should he do? ("Wound" her AGAIN, until she lets go of the knife? Maybe when he WOUNDS her, she absolutely loses it and throws the knife at the Cop at close range, hitting the femoral artery in his leg, perhaps...where you will then bleed out in about 3 minutes...)
"Shooting to WOUND " will simply get you KILLED... it is a harsh fact of REALITY... this is NOT Hollywood...
An armed assailant that is , "wounded" can still throw a knife or pull a trigger...
A crazed or drugged out person most often will NOT stop if you just, "wing" them..
Adrenalin is the most powerful drug in the World, it allows the body to keep functioning even after sustaining mortal wounds and blood loss...
When you must shoot, aim center mass and shoot until the threat STOPS.
Don't DIE...just COMPLY...

2 years ago

So what if a pig dies? Next time you call them, or for some reason they knock on your door, remember that you'll be the one on the wrong side of bullet.

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: One of my favorite things about the Current Year... All the People who scream, "All Cops are Pigs! Defund the Police! (etc...)" But what is the FIRST thing they always cry when they get punched in the FACE? "Help, POLICE! WAH! I'm being ASSAULTED!" But I DO agree with NEVER call the Police (unless it is to clean up the mess after the event is over...) ;)

2 years ago

@Sogo: I'm not one of those. I'm the one having filthy pigs called on me. Useless bunch of cunts they are.

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: Exactly, In UK is is common knowledge their more likely to arrest the victim!!!!! Thats why the public avoid them now

2 years ago

@Amanley Load: the UK has become a severely backwards police state. The UK is now severely over-regulated and they are treating the people with a severe brand of tyranny that george orwell warned against. I hope there is a day soon when these government people will face a righteous justice but it seems the majority of UK people must like it this way because they vote to keep things like this. The US is far more open about showing this bodycam stuff, and it is a larger country with a huge population. It appears that these things are frequent and they are in a sense, but it is only a small number of police encounters that go this way in comparison to the overall number. I would advise it is a good idea to avoid police in the US and the UK. In the same way you would use violence as a last resort, calling the police should also only be used as a last resort because in a sense, the police are the hammer in the toolbox, they are going to use force to quell a situation in which other avenues of remediation have failed.

2 years ago

time for borders, mass deportations ,, money, ownership and freedom.. not cubicles... and stop calling the cops they will get terminated when they are not needed.. ..

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