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Don't Be A Grunt!
• 05/28/23
Masculinism Movement
39 Subscribers
If a woman asks you to help her with some heavy lifting, just say no! Don't be a grunt for women men!
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2 years ago
Sounds like a perfect fit. People who want to use others meeting people who want to do nothing for others.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Though, I thought you mean don't be an Army grunt and enlist to die in their wars for these Satanic pedo Globalists... I concur with that statement too.
2 years ago
2 years ago
I concur. We men should be walking away. When they ask for help ir mercy, be like "Me? You want me, a toxic white cis man t o help you? Why don't you get those soy boys and strong, independent women to help you... It's like that THOT said about Gym Bros: They live for that day, that moment, "Hi, could you spot me?"
2 years ago