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Don't Fall For this "Gold Coin" SCAM Being Peddled on TV - Cuz It's Back!

46 Views • 02/12/23
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✅ Order Tony Robbins &quot;Money: Master the Game&quot; book from Amazon here: <br> <br>? Order &quot;The Little Book of Common Sense Investing&quot; here: <br> <br>The once ounce gold &quot;buffalo&quot; coin commercial is back, peddling a worthless gold plated coin to gullible people who watch cable news. It contains just 14 milligrams of gold, and the ads don't even use the words &quot;gold plated&quot; but instead call it &quot;gold clad&quot; to further deceive people. <br> <br>⚠️ Subscribe to my channel if you're new here, cuz there's more where this came from! <br>(Click Here To Sub ?? <br> <br>⚠️ Order your Mark Dice t-shirt here ➡️ <br> <br>⌨️ Order my Ergonmic Keyboard here: <br> <br>? Support my work this year with a $5 a month sponsorship through Patreon here: <br> <br>Order my book &quot;Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture&quot; from Amazon: or download the e-book from Kindle, iBooks, Google Play, or Nook. <br> <br>? Order my book, &quot;The True Story of Fake News&quot; ➡️ <br> <br>? Order my book &quot;The Liberal Media Industrial Complex&quot; here: <br> <br>⚠️ Order your &quot;F*ck Joe Biden&quot; shirt here: <br> <br>⚠️ Order your &quot;Operation Mockingbird&quot; shirt here: <br> <br>⚠️ Order your Warning: Contains Facts &amp; Opinions Some May Find Offensive shirt here: <br> <br>Mark Dice is an independent media analyst and bestselling author of &quot;Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture.” He has a bachelor's degree in Communication from California State University and was the first conservative YouTuber to reach 1 million subscribers (in 2017). <br> <br>He has been featured on Fox News, the History Channel, E! Entertainment, the Drudge Report, and news outlets around the world. <br> <br>This video description and the pinned comment contains Amazon and/or other affiliate links, which means if you click them and purchase the product(s), Mark will receive a small commission. <br> <br>Copyright © 2023 by Mark Dice. All Rights Reserved.

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It's totally open - and it catches people out who are so fucking stupid they basically deserve to be fleeced....

You see putting &quot;cleverly worded&quot; but simple and easy to understand adds on the TV - if it contained a genuine amount of deceit in it, be it out right lies, confusing wording, etc., etc., etc., - angry customers and lawyers and legal services would be all over this like flies on shit.....

While I have some sympathy for the mislead - there is a ending line from the reality and the greyish area of bullshit, into going over the line of bare faced lies....

CLAD in 14 milligrams of 24 carat gold....

OK the maths - probably a shitty zink die cast or stamped &quot;Carnival Ride Coin&quot;, electroplated with a fine layer of gold - or a stuck on gold foil - like a chocolate coin with a gold covering.

14 milligrams = 14/1000 of a gram

1 gram of gold is setting today for $60 US a gram.

ONE gram of gold will coat 76 coins which equals 6000 cents divided by 76 - and it comes to 80c worth of gold on each coin.....

Each coin costs $10 - so given the base coin is like 5c of zink and the amortised cost of the shitty stamping dies, and 80c of gold - that is a mark up of say $9...

I mean it's an HONEST campaign, they are not lying, they are holding up some shiny shiny and &quot;THEY&quot; are telling you what a great investment it is - but if your too fucking lazy to do the basic maths on it and go out and spend $1000 on $50 worth of gold - well then fuck you and more fool you.

Fuck the brain dead stupid cunts who buy this shit....

No where is it a conjob - it just appears to be a con job....

It's not illegal to be stupid and it's not illegal to sell stupid things to stupid people....

It's all open and up front and there is nothing illegal or deceptive about it.

Basic maths... pencil to paper - 5 minutes work = exceptionally stupid people buy it and these fake coins are exceptionally poor value.

About the only thing they can be caught out on, is under delivering on the actual gold.. Like if you buy 10 coins and the are all coming with 12 milligrams of gold, instead of 14 milligrams - then that is FRAUD....

However IF they tell you they have gold plated zink carnival coins, worth about 85c and they are selling them for say $10 each - they told you everything up front - there were NO LIES....

Too fucking bad.

It's NOT a scam or stealing or lying - it is an advert designed to make sales to stupid and mentally defective and mentally lazy people.

Oh they sell me ONLY 80c worth of gold on a gold COVERED coin, and tell me it's an investment and gold is a hedge against inflation etc., and you can now buy it from us, for ONLY $10 a piece...

If that does not register - then you are a fucking fool.....

Even a corner store crack whore can figure this shit out...

So your buying the equivalent of these - unless they have a chocolate centre too... I mean they never said they were a metal core... like a stamped zink... a carnival ride coin...

2 years ago

I think you put oo much faith in crack whores. Think about it bro... the US is trying to get people and companies to buy bonds, but we are not biting. A lot of us are getting tired of the lies and maipulations over the media, which the vast amount of people do not trust, and the market manipulation was so fucking extreme and obvious, that selling fake gold coins are the only way out for the government. I should buy gold, but I am paying off debts right now and will be returnig to buying silver soon. I have one or two computers to buy before the price hikes begin and maybe a tablet too, Yeah, our US Federal government is all out of goodwill; nobody trusts them anymore, not to mention we have a fraudulent presidency who stole the elections. RINO representatives are being chased or voted out, and the Uniparty is starting to freak out. The reign of their lies is coming to an end.


@WMHarrison94: Hmmmmm I think world wars are good in some ways - not only do they kill a lot of good brave people, they also allow a lot of arseholes to be killed as well.... "Yeah she or he was shot in the back!" - "That is cowardice - they were running away from the enemy" = Fixed.

2 years ago

The ironic thing is they're probably selling the chocolate covered coin candy for one bag for about $10 worth LOL. Oh God that's terrible, but it's true. Inflation's fucking everything up.


@KEEPER: Technically - it's a gold clad immitation coin - there is nothing to say that the coin core cannot be made of chocolate. If it says "Store in the refrigerator" instead of the bank vault.. well......


It's "coined" or forged in a proper set of coining dies, because the surface finish is very good... and then it's electroplated... did you know if the gold film is thin enough, you can see through it.... e.g. space helmet visors and welding helmet filter lenses... SO if they really wanted to cheapen out, they could have put an under coat of what is that gold like alloy in appearance (used on watch bodies and cheap jewelery), and then popped an atom or two thick gold coating over the top... BUT since they are selling gold as an investment - they have to stipulate the weight... 14 milligrams = 140 micrograms = 1400 what evers... Naaaa 14 milligrams sounds better for a con job... mostly the milligrams bit... They did different calculations to me, using the full (troy or avdroupolis) ounce of gold in the real coin as the comparitor.... BOTH calculations are good - because they show up the "investment coins" intrinsic value in different ways.


@WMHarrison94: Thin enough to see through.

2 years ago

I prefer lead and brass for bartering :-)

2 years ago

"Ahhh, you bastard... You just killed my insurance of buying gold for the collapse and my dream of being called a Lord!" Guess it's time to go back to the slave bin, err work I mean,,, LOL!

2 years ago

It's misleading but not a scam. I remember seeing that commercial. It's like when a movie says "based on a true story".

2 years ago

But what if it's not just misleading, what if it quite literally is a scam and you're not getting what they claim that you're getting? What then?


@KEEPER: Police, fraud, suing them, refund, etc.


@KEEPER: I mean you can crunch up the coin into chunks, dissolve the core in an acid that will remove that and leave the gold behind and measure it to see if you got your actual full 14 mg of gold.... "OH noes Iwas sold 80c of gold and I only got 13.98mg of gold.... Stooged I tell you - ripped off bad... " I mean you could always send them to an assay lab and have them certified to define the actual gold content... 14mg is actually fuck all.... however 12mg is a measurable amount that is a lot less, as is 10 mg.... Buy one and get some incredibly accurate digital scales and have at it... GOLD can only be dissolved in SOME mixtures... (aqua regina) and it can be reverse electroplated off onto a KNOWN weight, through a specific electrolytic bath... (read the instructions)

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