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Don't Talk To Women - MGTOW

352 Views • 09/03/21
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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Easter Sunday and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman. For the podcast in question I don't have a specific topic, but what I would like is to have a video that exclusively features the blonde model that is in so many of your other videos (I'm pretty certain you know who this is.)" Well Easter thanks for the donation. As you can see she's here. I don't know her name but spent a bunch of time searching for her. She's also the face of my channel avatar. As for the topic I wanted to share the situation that finally convinced me that arguing with women was a waste of time. Even talking to them. I was talking to a female client about some editing I was doing for her and she accused me of outsourcing my editing and told me that it wasn't up to my usual higher quality standards and that she was shaming me for the quality claiming that I had hired someone in India to do the work. Now normally before this time I would have argued with her because this wasn't the first time. But now I understand she's just being critical because she wants to argue. She wants me to get upset so she can feel like she pushed my emotional buttons. But in that case I didn't respond the way she wanted. I just stopped caring. Since that time when she calls and even a few times before I just didn't pick up the phone and answered back in text format or email. She still gets her work but no more hired emotional tampon services. What I've realized over the course of the last year or so is don't argue with women, or even people on Twitter or in your video comments section for that matter. If you hear or see them say something stupid. You may think you're smart and that you'll teach them a lesson. But a lot of the time women say dumb things and mess up on purpose for attention. Then when you correct them and take their bait they drag you down to the stupid mental level they are on in that case and beat you with that stupidity. You just end up feeling dumber and emotionally dirty after the whole ordeal and it's best to just stay away. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the don't talk to women clown world show. I have another story I want to share about not arguing with women. One old guy I was talking to during one of my coaching calls was being asked by his wife to fix her new phone so that it would have the right apps on it and do everything she wanted. But he didn't know how to do it because he's still using an old flip phone and doesn't know much about the new technology. So she got frustrated and kept following him around the house to show him that she was suffering and that he needed to correct that problem so that she would go away. She even went as far as to mess up the settings on her phone and change it to night mode and didn't know how to put it back to regular mode and she kept getting more and agitate and convinced that he knew how to fix the phone and was just pretending like he didn't.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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8 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

The only women I routinely interact with are Women Engineers. For some reason are more rational than any other woman not in a STEM job.

4 years ago

funny, simphexenhammer666 recently insinuated that MGTOW is a jewish psyop for white genocide on a q&a stream... didn't save the link, didn't care to.

4 years ago

Maybe some one else here saw his videos too. About I would say 4 years or so ago, there was a man on YT. He spoke good English but with a accent, maybe Jamaican I'm not sure where he was from. He went by the name NicerN, you may be able to still find his videos out there somewhere. He was a attorney I believe he said, he was also MGTOW and he was very knowledgeable in the Holy Bible. He said in one of his videos that as Prophesied in Isaiah 4:1, no man would want anything to do with women. He said even the antichrist that lead women to their own predicament would turn away from women not having anything to do with them. And at that time I wondered how could that be? How could something like that ever happen? I'm seeing how now no more explanation needed women are so willingly eager to inject that poison into the arms of society, but take a look at the video and location 1:27. YOU GOT TO BE JOKING isn't that the the mom sitting there watching as it's being done? That explains everything.


4 years ago

@6:40 regarding Bitchute, "...the place was rampant with anti-Semites and White Nationalists..."

Well, I guess even the mighty Sandman has yet to experience the Racial Red Pill. The full strength Red Pill of MGTOW compels men to figure out just (((WHO))) brought us to this Jews' Paradise of feminism, intersectionalism, and all the New Lefitst -isms plaguing the modern world. One cannot treat the surface symptoms without attacking the underlying (((DISEASE))) that keeps it going.

The answer cannot be avoided forever. I guess Canucks and Euro-cucks are so intensely brainwashed that even the Red Pill of MGTOW hasn't yet broken through their Pavlovian training to robotically regurgitate, "...anti-Semite...White Nationalist...xenophobe..." whenever the (((GUILTY))) are hauled up before them; with the evidence. Their bloody hands and political weapons still dripping with the blood of men whose lives were ruined by (((THEM))).


4 years ago

Well, OF COURSE, my ADL minder, (((MAcohen))) must downvote my every comment. As minders go, he is pretty reasonable but, the hot kleig lights of Truth that shines on his (((Tribe))); exposing their malevolence towards Whites is very discomfiting to him and (((THEM))).

4 years ago

In my time I’ve met some very intelligent women .. not so many smart women .. I’m also getting hit up on Telegram even with this avatar, so things must be desperate

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