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Downing Street- -Why should any of us obey a single regulation-- says Nigel Farage

38 Views • 12/08/21
190 Subscribers

Why should we OBEY a weord of a corrupt, self centered Government that has no ability to govern properly? It's a big Boy's club for sleasy etonian mainly "WANKERS"! but hear you say - How can we do anything about it/ Well it's quite simple and I'm doing it, jhave been for a number of years now? And that is to not feed them. Stop getting further into debt, clear your debts ASAP even if it is an little at a time. Instead of that extra cake or new Cellphone, put that money in a tin, use it every month to pay some of your Debt off. start small with the smallest loans or car4d debt. You need money for a mortgage so that will cone further down the list, but all those smaller things can be paid of. I will tell you what I discovered from becoming debt free? I descovered that your Stress level plunges, you are happier and more self assured, you learn the TRUE value of MONEY. Taking the HIT right now is less painful that paying for it later when it is far worse? Also when you are out of DEBT, you are not BEHOLDEN to any bank or anyone for that matter. the smaller or more nonexistant your credit Score the safe and freer you are. Mark my word's I KNOW! Youy will thyem find other advantages like you don't NEED to follow government because you owe them NOTHING, this lead's on to a greater strength as with Covid. I DON'T LISTEN TO OR FOLLOW ANY RULE THAT INFRINGES ON ME, it's as simple as that. Please WAKE UP!

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1 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

Farage is our next best hope .. Reform

3 years ago

The Whole Political system firstly needs reforming, it is obvious the old system doesn't work (well not for us the voter)? Personally I believe ENGLAND not the UK, should be reformed and isolated as a separate political force?


3 years ago

Nigel Farage is the bare bones of what the U.K's hope should be. Much stronger medicine is necessary:


3 years ago

@mrghoster: Maybe modern England CAN'T be reformed. How many generations have lived under multiple perfidious regimes and become acclimated to the madness? IN THEORY, the only way out for the U.K is to completely restore Crown and State under a King. NEVER a Queen as nations tend to falter under female rulership. Now, this future King of England MUST go through the ancient vetting of obtaining religious mandate for his rule. Furthermore, he MUST be a full blooded WHITE ANGLO. A true representative of the rightful people of the land. The latter can be done but, the former, the religious mandate, will be difficult as the Church of England is hopelessly polluted with Jew filth. It will have to undergo a terrific purging of all things Jewish and modern! The whole understanding of who "God" is will have to be redefined as the collective energy and will of the rightful race in a land. God is not some autonomous deity that we only read about in some book or pray to in futility. God is SUMMONED by collective will and clear understanding behind the action. Prayer is merely the verbal intent to carry out the action, whether through ritual worship or an action against an enemy.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: The trouble with our Rayalty is they are NOT the true aires to the State. The last true Royal of England was Richard the 3rd and look how they derided him and villianized him? The Current queen is as useful as a Chocolate Teapot, the current royal family are really German and they are all fucking money grabbing sponger's. also the Kid's in the so called royal faminiy went throught the same system as Bonker's Boris and his other "Johnson Gang Members". I see myself as ENGLISH not British, the english are the race that dare not speak it's name, whilst the Welsh, Scot's and Irish have partly their own say?


3 years ago

@mrghoster: Richard the 3rd. Now THAT is something I'd wanted to know but never found the answer to. Thank you. Now that you have illustrated the difference between ENGLISH and BRITISH, I will be more mindful to use ENGLISH when referring to the rightful inhabitants of the land.


3 years ago

@mrghoster: As for establishing a true royal house again, that is one of the primary missions of the Church. A true King is ordained by religious authority which is acting on the will of the God of the people. In this case, the God of the Bible / Jews can NOT be the God of the White race. Let alone the god of the English people. Legitimate religious authority alone can crown a King and grant him the Mandate of Heaven. That means, as I said before, the new King MUST be a WHITE ANGLO and have done something great to earn his fame. Peace is a curse upon England because great men cannot rise. Since the U.K. is not a growing colonial power, the Great Man who would be King must take up the cause of his RACE, that being the surviving Whites of the British island, and KILL the current parasitic ruling classes. Then drive the 3rd Worlders to internment camps where they will be quickly put on ships and sent back to their native countries. That Jewish golem of "Civic Nationalism" will be revealed as a Jewish demographic weapon and "Racial Nationalism" will be restored to its rightful place. That mighty feat of cleansing England will be the Great Man's fame and will have earned the right to be crowned as King of England.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I tyhink if Migrants want to live in the UK, first they should be put on Ship's like floating Schools to learn our Culture, and until they reach such a popint they will NOT be allowed on to the British mainland.. These Ships could be mored in Territorial waters and if one of them jumps ship they are removed from the ship and waters and dumped else where? they would be basicvally fed and housed in reasonable surroundings and I'm sure the taxpayer wont mind to much if it prevents their pennies being wasted in Court cases and the Crime these cunt's cause? If they qualify to become British then and only then will they get a green card? This would be o0n a rolling continuous revision basis and if flaunted or rules broken they will lose Citizenship instantly and be deported.


3 years ago

@mrghoster: You're on the right track. Living on board a cramped ship won't prove much though. Better for them to stay in their own country and, if it's to the U.K's benefit, contract out a steady supply of work orders for the country to fulfill. The work will keep the 3rd Worlders busy and THERE is where the best of them can prove themselves. In addition, when they apply for a green card, ONLY MARRIED MEN OF GOOD REPUTE MAY APPLY. While they are in the U.K, they may NOT divorce. And, any children born to them ARE NOT CITIZENS. That has to be carved in stone and lawyers forbidden (upon pain of hanging) from trying to get around it.

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