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Dumb Liberal bitch
• 06/09/23
Crimson Hawk
78 Subscribers
like i said, the dating world is demanding conservative values from liberal men now lol
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2 years ago
ok someone explain that you can have autonomy or you an have a relationship. you an not have both at the same time . those two terms are mutually exclusive . no wonder that she can not find a "liberal " man with conservative values . he does not exist ! typical liberal living in fantasy land .
2 years ago
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Good story, brother!
I hope you feel better. I've recently found out that sitting around being inactive has affected my physical being as well as my mental status in a negative way.
But then I am a burnout.
I worked too hard for a business that didn't appreciate my efforts, so I can understand the need for "downtime".
Keep up the good work, and I appreciate you sharing!