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Earthship Biotecture for freezing Canada & Siberia temperatures
I would like to share with you about our upcoming online video training late 2021 & 2022 where I will teach you how to build an affordable low-tech Earthship for severe Canadian & Russian winters with protection from Electro Magnetic Radiation. I have been developing this home for 13 years and included inspiration from sacred geometry with a build-in living eco machine and aquaculture system
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the interesting thing about the cost of the build of the house, once it's finished being built, it pretty much stays free after the fact because it produces it's own water it's own oxygen and food and electricity and reduces the amount of electricity needed.
it's still cheaper than your average home, because these costs continue to exist even after you have payed all that money and they will continue to cost you money for life.
so even though an earthship design or adobe instead of tires is still cheaper than a regular box house, it's still much more efficient and keep your life time bills forever down at zero cost.
3 years ago