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Eating Bugs

8 Views • 04/03/22
"K C" "Sunbeam"
"K C" "Sunbeam"
17 Subscribers

When I say "Eating Bugs" I don't mean eating Bugs Bunny. Rather, I'm referring to a diet of insects as an alternative to traditional meat eating and vegetarianism/Veganism.

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3 years ago

Gene editing is far better than selective breeding.
It doesn't throw away normal average men and funnel all women to the rich,which as the middle east shows us just leads to massive inbreeding and a retarded weak sickly population.
Gene editing can fix all of our problems over time. It just also encourages the highest amount of sperm usage,rich men don't like this idea because they want us poor men to die in their name.....while they take all the women for themselves.
Eugenics is obsolete,and I am a product of thousands of years of eugenics I am well bred and yes even I readily admit this fact. Crispr is the tool we need to use to take genetics from someone like me and put it into others
Members of my family regularly continue to work into their 90's hard physical labor in the wilderness receiving grievous injuries multiple broken bones and going back to work in 2 months in their 90's. My mother and uncle used methamphetamine for over 30 years and last time I saw them they looked 30 even though they were in their 60's.
I'm not bullshitting I have amazing genetics and an extremely high IQ
But now that doesn't have to just be a trait in my family. A little blood from me and suddenly all my genetic advantages can be given to millions of people.
So yes I'm a product of eugenics,but now there's ways to get my awesome genes without spreading your legs and accepting my sperm. Which multiple women have already done for my genes because they make people nigh immortal as they retain their health and fitness until the day we die. Those women are LUCKY i knocked them up.
But it's better to just submit my DNA so the good genes can spread around.

"K C" "Sunbeam"
"K C" "Sunbeam"
3 years ago

I always advocate gene editing (which I call genetic engineering) along with my advocacy of eugenics.

3 years ago

@KCxSunbeam: We breed the good genetics and then we spread them those who don't have them,it's literally the best thing we've ever invented

"K C" "Sunbeam"
"K C" "Sunbeam"
3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: But various strains of people might have such bad genetics that even genetic engineering cannot correct their problems, and those lineages simply need to go extinct.

3 years ago

@KCxSunbeam: it's a good thing they are a small minority. I swear some eugenicists talk as if they want to get rid of 90% of white men,funny how they only direct this at men.....while they never talk about a wet vagina they can play with having bad genes! But I think you're one of the good well intentioned eugenicists who just want us all to have a better future. It does disturb me when some people accuse me of being genetically bad,even though I'm literally bred from some of the best genes on earth and yes I'm blonde....of course

3 years ago

Did you know with the proper piece of equipment you can take tall wild grasses and use them to feed chickens?
You can literally pay zero dollars and just gather food to feed the chickens which you breed so you always have meat.
I have chickens,do you?
Because if you aren't growing and raising your own food you will be eating maggots and cockroaches in the future. It's all that will be available they've already admitted that.
If you are not preparing to provide your own food than you are wrong.
I don't like Christians but the more of you produce your own food the more will remain available after the collapse of civilization.
Take a lesson from your Amish counterparts,be self sufficient

"K C" "Sunbeam"
"K C" "Sunbeam"
3 years ago

Ants are by far the most abundant type of insect. Therefore, your scenario of only having maggots and cockroaches to eat would never come about. Plus, in many areas such as big cities there is no allotted space available for chickens.

3 years ago

@KCxSunbeam: the globalists have been talking about feeding us maggots and cockroaches. It's not because they are the most abundant source of protein. It's because they want to make us eat the most disgusting filthy creatures possible. They hate us,that's why their publications are saying they are gonna make us eat roaches and maggots. So you are correct that things like ants and locusts would be a far better food source.....but the motivations of the "GEF young global leaders program graduates" are not to feed us they want to subjugate us to the furthest possible degree before killing us all. They openly admit they want the last sterile humans on earth to be dying by 2040. You should start preparing to grow/raise your own food or you'll be stuck with whatever the GEF and DAVOS decide to provide to you via the corporate marxist owned grocery stores. I gotta get ready to work soon

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