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Eating Like A King In Bucaramanga Colombia For Under $8
• 08/23/23
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2 years ago
We want some clips of you about to get it on with some colombian sluts, who cares if it's gold diggers or visa-whores. Pre- or post- coitus at least. Fucking is living, there is too much anglo-puritanism regarding talk about sex, or the guilt that desiring women is wrong, there is a biblical concept as being overly-just or asexual which is un-masculine. Roman homeric androcentricism is the right away, not anglo puritanism which is repressive and pedastalizes women. As an example, I think Aristotle in the republic asks an old man upfront "how is it like being old, do you have sexual desires"... thats based, while we know repressed anglo Saxon culture forbids those kinds of topics.
2 years ago
8 bucks? Poor yogi will never be able to afford it
2 years ago
2 years ago
Good Food.
2 years ago
So glad to see you're spending more time in Colombia, Amr. Like I said before, if shit pops off, you now have some movement options.
2 years ago
wow, a currency that's even shittier than ours.
2 years ago