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Eisbrecher - Sturmfahrt

27 Views • 11/08/20
Malkav Saiya Yautja
Malkav Saiya Yautja
99 Subscribers

⁣⁣{Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}
Request from MGTOW_Viking

Der Himmel fällt, ein Sturm bricht an
Fasst euch ein Herz, glaubt an euch selbst
Es geht voran
Nichts schmeckt so gut wie die Gefahr, so gottgewollt so gnadenlos
Befehl: Maschine klar!

Ein letzter Gruß, ein letzter Blick
Von dieser Reise gibt es kein Zurück

Du willst es doch auch
Was hält dich noch auf?
Wer kann schon widerstehen?
Wenn wir auf Sturmfahrt gehen
Mit Volldampf voran
Auf in den Untergang
Sag nicht auf Wiedersehen
Lass uns auf Sturmfahrt gehen

Hört das Signal, macht euch bereit
Jag den Orkan, komm lass uns fahren
Es ist soweit
Die Welle bricht, die Welt versinkt
So grausam schön erbarmungslos
Das Meer, das uns verschlingt

Ein letzter Gruß, ein letzter Blick
Von dieser Reise gibt es kein Zurück

Du willst es doch auch
Was hält dich noch auf?
Wer kann schon widerstehen?
Wenn wir auf Sturmfahrt gehen
Mit Volldampf voran
Auf in den Untergang
Sag nicht auf Wiedersehen
Lass uns auf Sturmfahrt gehen

Maschine stampft
Maschine kämpft
Maschine glüht
Maschine brennt

Du willst es doch auch
Was hält dich noch auf?
Wer kann schon widerstehen?
Wenn wir auf Sturmfahrt gehen
Mit Volldampf voran
Auf in den Untergang
Sag nicht auf Wiedersehen
Lass uns auf Sturmfahrt gehen

Lasst uns, lasst uns
Lasst uns auf Sturmfahrt gehen
Lasst uns, lasst uns
Lasst uns auf Sturmfahrt gehen


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3 Comments sort Sort By
4 years ago

I have another request for you: "Nuke it from orbit" by Antti Martikainen

Malkav Saiya Yautja
Malkav Saiya Yautja
4 years ago

All done.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

Heldsmachine is really good also.
Metal is completely dead in my country :/
Sounds better in certain languages anyways.

Malkav Saiya Yautja
Malkav Saiya Yautja
4 years ago

I need you to be more specific: what songs would you like from Heldsmachine?

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@Malkav Saiya Yautja: Doesn't matter. Most of them are good.

Malkav Saiya Yautja
Malkav Saiya Yautja
4 years ago

@Toki: All done.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@Malkav Saiya Yautja: I'm just glad metal still exists somewhere in the world. I hope the Gov isn't trying to shut down their concerts and everything. Ban metal, and force everyone to listen to national anthems through a wireless speaker on a face muzzle.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@Malkav Saiya Yautja: The new album is really good. Wie ein Orkan and Die Geister die ich rief. Die Geister is perfect medieval knight on horseback metal.

4 years ago

Hey Malkav!
Thank you for up-loading! Did you have problems with "Wir sind Rock´n Roll"?
I would also like to request "So oder so" and "Schock" - both from Eisbrecher album "Schock".
There´s a rather MGTOW-like song that very clearly shows female behavior patterns: "Miststück 2012" (piece of garbage)

Malkav Saiya Yautja
Malkav Saiya Yautja
4 years ago

Wir sind Rock'n Roll failed to render 2 times so bailed on it. I'll get on the other ones.

Malkav Saiya Yautja
Malkav Saiya Yautja
4 years ago

I can confirm that German women are depraved whores. At least the one I met. I fucking hate Frankfurt, damn!

4 years ago

@Malkav Saiya Yautja: what a pity.. it´s one of the best - ahh well, that´s life.. lolz

4 years ago

@Malkav Saiya Yautja: Yeah.. why would german fefails be any different than the rest - AWALT

Malkav Saiya Yautja
Malkav Saiya Yautja
4 years ago

@MGTOW_Viking: No good reason. I was thinking that German women would be like the German men when I was shipped to Germany. Nope! The myth is just that: a myth. Whores are the same everywhere and lazy subdued men are also the same everywhere. What a shame.

4 years ago

@Malkav Saiya Yautja: So very true! And yes, it really is a damn shame.. we could provide children with better conditions than ever before in the history of mankind and much more interesting lives for adults as well - but nope, women and simps just have to subvert and destroy! Fortunately for those of us that understand reality, there are virtually limitless choice regarding pursuit of a good life deteched from normie-world!

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@MGTOW_Viking: Don't ask questions. Just pay your taxes and buy diamonds to keep the spoiled wifey happy. Oh by the way our Gov feels guilty for 'slavery and racism.' But you should still pay way too much money for these shiny African rocks. If they keep importing Africans they will run out of diamond slaves. What will the spoiled German women do? They might have to actually sacrifice something for a change.

4 years ago

@Toki: I don´t think fefails will get off so easily this time: unlike the countless other times women destroyed the civilizations men created, this one will be different because the internet will "remember" what happened and who caused the collapse. This time the knowledge will not be lost like in the previous dark-ages that followed fefail destruction.. I think that men will decide to move into the future without women over the coming decades and we can finally build lasting civilizations! The future is MAN & MACHINE - fefails will have to fend for themselves.. or perish

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@MGTOW_Viking: For me it's digital women. Let's be serious no one of us will ever be able to afford an automated woman. A full package. Piston operated toys are cheap though. Also there's too many cucks to ever get over the cycle of self-destruction to appease womens. There might not be a future generation if the world Govs convince the sheep to stop breeding because of their fictional Cerveza Flu bug. Already they have been separated and are wearing bindings on their face like labor camp slaves. The worst part is they can't comprehend how the lawmakers are not adhering to their own decrees and still paying prostitutes for sex using taxpayer funds. Or a female politician buying jewelry from African DeBeers, but "she's against racism and slavery." Lol. F this world, seriously. Let it fail.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@MGTOW_Viking: However the corrupt Gov in my country has already convinced me to go 100% celibate because I realize the risk. Also consideration. If I purposely or accidentally impregnate a woman. Then other taxpayers will have to pay for the abortion, birth, doctor visits, and everything else. I see that and abstain. Responsibility. Also I do not want to support the corrupt medical industry at all. So avoiding women makes perfect sense because they will waste everyone's time going to an expensive selfish doctor because they sneezed. Hiding behind a hijab, but still snaking her dirty fingers all over a smartphone screen for attention and donations online :D

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