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ELECTRIC mini digger works for 2 hours, then requites 8 hours on a diesel generator to fully charge

36 Views • 09/03/22

A microcosm of the ill-planned future they envision for us. <br> <br>SOURCE <br>Nando <br>@Nandospage <br>

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(this is a simplistic conversion ratio issue = not absolute in terms of thermodynamics and chemical combustion etc.)

I don't give a fuck about charging them up - it's the conversion efficiency - comparing diesel to direct drive hydraulic pump = say 100% in that system. Compared to diesel motor, driving electric generator = 60% efficient ==> Power to recharge batteries = 40% efficient... So that requires like 3 or 4 times the amount of fuel to create the charged up batteries, as running it on diesel in the first place..... and there is NO man made global warming - it's all a big fucking hoax.

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2 years ago

If (((TPTB))) really wanted a Green digger, the batteries would be charged via solar panels or windmills. It would very likely take three days. In the meantime, the digger operator would be at the pub and getting recharged, himself.


@InfiniteMushroom: If every house had a 2 car garage or car port with solar panels on it, and each electric vehicle functioned as a vehicle and a storage battery, and every public car park was a top up point, and the entire society was electrfied - then it would be doable... but as it stands, the entire GRID has to be revamped to massive charging and storage system. As it stands it's like 3 kids in the class have head lice and the other 97 don't..


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: There are far superior wind power designs than the ubiquitous NASA-designed 3-bladed mill. Paradoxically, the larger a wind power machine gets, the more inefficient it becomes! Believe it or not, sometimes a system is deliberately designed to fail because (((TPTB))) have other plans for We Teh Sheeple. I wouldn't trust anything coming out of NASA. They expend far more energy pushing Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity than real science.


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: You were also talking about a Distributed Energy system. That is NOT KOSHER because it creates a sense of energy independence and we can't have that. Centralized power and distribution networks are still necessary but, each building should have its own alternative source of power. NOT GRID TIED as is common (cheaper to do) but, the solar and wind systems that power a house or building must send their power to a local battery and THAT goes to an inverter or DC-AC motor generator. THAT powers the house. The grid ONLY kicks in when the local battery needs a top off.

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: shane you are just using those efficiency numbers for sake of argument right? diesel engine is at best about 30 percent thermal efficiency and that diesel engine used as a direct power generator to an electric motor is pretty good efficiency as well, i dont know the exact numbers, but they run a lot of locomotive like this because it works better than directly driving a mechanical transmission. solar panels can never be considered as a primary method to power the grid, they are unreliable and fail under certain temperature conditions. There is a huge problem with the amount of raw materials necessary to create all those batteries. There is some hope for those mirror solar plants with the central tower that power a steam generator but so far they are not working out so well if you read about the one in the Mojave desert around California. they use molten sodium "batteries" to store heat energy when the sun goes down but the project has not met its goals and is losing money. Nuclear is the only viable alternative to fossil fuel right now with the current tech, and there doesn't look to be much else on the near term horizon.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: sorry man I would say that the data that has come out so far is showing that wind turbines are not viable. they are a gimmick. They break under severe winds and they are barely a net positive in their ability to produce net energy in response to what it takes to build, install, maintain and operate them.


@TelepathicRapist: Yeah I just sort of fudged the numbers to make the point - without trying to be terminally accurate about the details. E.g. A diesel motor (energy input) pushing a pump that moves hydraulic fluid around to push and pull pistons hooked up to crawler drives and digger booms, = power output in x 1000 Kg of dirt per hour, compared to a diesel motor, driving a generator (losses), driving a charger (losses), charging up a battery (losses) and then the battery driving electric motors and their controllers, driving hydraulic fluid, pushing a pump that moves hydraulic fluid around to push and pull pistons hooked up to crawler drives and digger booms, = power output in x 1000 Kg of dirt per hour..... I left out the thermal effiency of the combustion engine and the coal fired power plants etc..... as it was complex enough.

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: right on. I am just concerned that the media, government, elon musk, and even some scientist are greatly exaggerating the potential of these alternative energy sources and its making people commit to concepts that are not scientifically possible and they are creating insane people like greta thornberg and environmentalists that have no practical understanding of what they are saying. I am no expert by a long shot but i know enough to know there are a lot of lies out there right now. I believe in protecting the environment, but I believe in trying to reduce human suffering so I have to also be practical about the viable energy sources that are available based on the known science. Right now we as a human race are still hopelessly dependent on fossil fuels. Without fossil fuels, the world population could not be supported by a longshot.


@TelepathicRapist: Given how Grotty Bumberg is like 4'10 and now 20 years old..... If you were to buy and fuck a silicon doll of her, would it be considered child abuse or rodent abuse?

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: i dunno shane, the idea doesn't seem very appealing, but since its a doll i don't think its either, its just kinda strange, but no as wierd as strange people taking advantage of a mentally ill child to push false ideas to other young people to make them think the world is ending do to climate change.


@TelepathicRapist: I don't think she is mentally ill - I think she is a kniving little cunt who was raised by scam artists and she stood to profit from it and did so hansomly.


@TelepathicRapist: Have you seen her song "Stick your climate change up your arse"? - it's in my channel.

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: haha yeah I saw that video you put up it was very confusing, I couldn't place the context. Is greta thornberg actually wealthy? she looks miserable and confused half the time.


2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: You are right in regards to the ubiquitous NASA 3-blade wind turbines. Their efficiency is 3% and maybe 4% under the most ideal conditions. My assertion is that there are vastly superior wind turbine designs that are NOT being used. Regardless of the form, wind and solare are SUPPLEMENTARY systems and can never be primary sources of power. But, that doesn't mean that can't or shouldn't be used where regional environmental conditions are ideal. Electric power is completely fungible and that should be exploited. If the high plains States could effectively use wind power, then that means the conventionally sourced electric power can be used elsewhere. If Arizona can produce 6 hours a day of reliable solar PV power, then that will let the available power be shunted to States with no ability to use alternative power.


2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: The main problem with alternative power is that it cannot supply power on demand. Because it is irregular, it must have an accumulator of some kind to take in power inputs from solar AND wind. The accumulator is what releases a controlled amount onto the grid. Very much like a hydro-electric dam. It's supply of water from rain, rivers, and tributaries, is irregular. That's why there is a huge accumulator in the form of a lake behind the dam. For solar and wind, the accumulator must be a massive lead-acid battery that feeds a DC-AC motor generator. THAT is what feeds into the grid and must be supplemental. Only for local use could it be a primary source of power.


2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Why lead-acid batteries as the accumulator for a solar-wind farm? Because the technology is mature, proven, 100% recyclable, and can be sourced entirely in the U.S. With a large stationary power system like I'm describing, size and weight are irrelevant. A centralized system like this is far superior to thousands of individual grid-tied solar systems that make power regulation difficult. If extra power is needed, the single motor-generator can be called up from the main power plant and the input controlled. When it's not needed, the wind and solar charge up the giant batteries.

2 years ago

Just wait till the Jet planes are battery powered. Gonna be a hell of a ride...


Well when Jesus ascended to heaven, he used "Magic".

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