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Electrical cars taking fire on cargo boat because of salty water.
• 05/25/23
36 Subscribers
Electrical cars taking fire on cargo boat because of salty water. <br>moral of the story, don't buy an electrical car !
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2 years ago
Never will you beat an old 6cyl cummins or a 7.3 the new crap today they make remote dildos... as i tell women thank that chinese sexless man in china for your overly expensive sex toy.
2 years ago
BUuuullshit, Maybe you dont like electric cars, but that is not an excuse to bend the truth
2 years ago
ROFLOL, ok who the fuck ships electric cars that, way? I am sure my laptop from China was properly sealed during shipping and not laying about on deck
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Awesome - just gotta live them "perfectly safe" electric cars.....
Apparently new aluminium based batteries that have very high energy densities, massive recharge speeds and are cheap and non combustible - are coming along....
I not against electric cars - I just don't find the idea of riding in a mobile crematorium - with rocket engines for burners, to be that appealing.....
Or it's going up in flames in the garage and the house is now burning down at 3am.....
Fuck them - as in fuck them totally.
2 years ago