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Ep. 2828a - Right On Schedule, The [CB] Agenda Has Been Accelerated, Watch What Happens Next

23 Views • 07/19/22
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The people rising up around the world, the [CB]/[WEF] are racing against the clock. They know the only way to go is to move forward as quickly as possible, but they need the US, this is has failed before it got started. The [CB] will be brought to a screeching halt because the US has the constitution.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.

Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.

Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks

Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks

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2 years ago

There's only one thing that should happen next. SchwabenKlaus must be exterminated at any cost. A high level criminal like him gets the guillotine. His associates get the firing squad.

Shame on the so-called militias and Free-dumb Fighters of the world. Including the Jihadis. They'll take on easy soft targets that accomplish nothing. You'd think that, with a few million Muslims in Europe, one could organize an elite Jihadi squad of 200 with a support and logistics staff of, say, 1500. The soft support of financial donations and useful tips on the whereabouts of high level Jewish criminals should be handled by the rest. The world is run by 1000 Satanic JEWS at the very top and they are assisted by a few million Jews, crypto-Jews, and Shabbos Goyim underneath them in varying levels of power. The Top 1000 must be wiped out at any cost.

The Top 1000 is the keystone of the Jew World Order. Knock out that keystone and the entire thing crashes to the ground. Once the monstrosity has crashed, then Whites must destroy the elites who survived so they cannot attempt a hasty rebuild.

First stop on the way back to global sanity, the world of 1949. Brown v Board of Education hadn't happened yet, the Korean War hadn't happened yet, and there was a healthy segregation of the races. While the Jewish disease had migrated to America, they hadn't yet imposed social engineering upon us yet. Take a breather for a generation and then work back to 1910. NOT in terms of technology but, in social and cultural terms. However, yeah, a lot of high tech has proven to be destructive to good social order and that will be destroyed. Boomers remember that the world worked very well before PC's became widely available.

There must be a total global SHOAH and global quarantine of Jews on the island of Madagascar. Including mixed Jews, crypto-Jews, and Shabbos Goyim who are found guilty of aiding Jews. Sorry, people of Madagascar, you will have to lose your island in order to save the world. You will be HANDSOMELY compensated by the distribution of the Jews' ill-gotten gains. That island will be surrounded and patrolled by naval warships, with each country taking turns in enforcing the quarantine, as long as Jews are alive on it.

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