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Escalator carnage - Music: Nuclear Assault

13 Views • 10/21/23
4 Subscribers

songs from the "Game over" album

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LOL - sort of and sometimes......

The retards who if they are too sick and or frail to make a go of it, can always take the elevator or do it on their hands and knees..... If your balance is so wonky.....I mean why topple over backwards.... And some old people - they are not stupid - their brains have rotted - and they just don't function... nothing really registers... hence the old woman going down the escalators with the shopping trollie - culling the herd = time to die.

Mark E
Mark E
11 months ago



I had a "friend" who was 83, blind in one eye and still had his license, jesus fuck - That level of impairment - like the old woman at the start, driving her shopping trolley onto the top of the escalator... and over she goes....... Fuck.... I mean that would have hurt... bad... spinal injuries on the edges of the steps... REAL bad.... but that complete lack of awareness - "situation + going into it = Death and Serious Injury" ----- they cannot even proess "situation" - that is what it means to be senile with brain rot....

Mark E
Mark E
11 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I know what you mean, I'm going through this with an 84 year old uncle right now!


@bigintol03: Some people have all their awareness - but most have gone in the mind.... Like they are driving towards an intersection - and they have the red lights..... and they just drive straight into the cross traffic - while I am screaming "STOP STOP - you just ran a red light!" ------- And the old cunt is going, "Red light? What red light? I didn't see any red light?" - the arrogance and the bullshit and the denial.... Brand new second hand car.... barely a scratch on it..... 6 months later covered in dints from backing into things... I got his license revoked - tired of the stupid cunts who say, "OH I won't get in the car with him" - yeah just leave him to roll down the roads being a beligerent death threat to every other road user..... We could have been parked on the side of the road and there would be a truck coming up behind us... Big B Double - fully loaded with grain etc... and he would just pull out in front of the truck..... No idea that there is anyting elese in the world on the road other than him and the 50 meters of visibility directly in front of him.... No idea of any other traffic, no idea there are mirrors to use, no checking them... nothing.... Parked on the side of the road, and pull out, straight into the path of an oncoming truck - coming up behind us.... Fuck - it was like that ALL the time - basically in any regional town or city - it was basically a near miss to a bad crash every fucking 10 minutes...

Mark E
Mark E
11 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: South Park has a killer episode on this very topic..."Gray Dawn"!


@bigintol03: You could be in the middle of nowhere - and "we" had the stop / give way signs, and he not only would not even see them, he would not even register that we were about to cross a highway with (some) traffic on it and he would just drive straight through the intersection with NO IDEA what was going on.... Have a look at this and then spin it round...... This stupid old cunt would not have even registered that there could have been a truck coming from the left or the right, he would not have even looked left or right.....


@bigintol03: Yeah seen that episode - Pfffffffff I told the roads dept to just give old drivers a functionality test - awareness + reaction times + all that - because when their brains rot they have NO IDEA what is going on around them....


@bigintol03: This is what I mean - on roads through the back blocks - like this - every few K's there is a cross road between the paddocks...... and you can see cars and trucks coming from either direction for miles.... visually and from their dust clouds.... The old guy would not even be aware of the impending cross roads, or any of the traffic... "At least look to the left and right for cross traffic - before you get to the cross roads..... He was not even aware of anything other than what was immediately in front of his car.... That is what is so frightening about senior citizens driving cars... A lof of them - their brains have rotted and they have NO IDEA of what is going on around them...... Have a look and a spin around on this place.

Mark E
Mark E
11 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Some parts of Florida are a NIGHTMARE with all the old fucks driving! Same thing with Arizona!


@bigintol03: I only ever drove with this old fuck in a reigonal city a few times... Pulling out into traffic, running red lights, going into a round about - with an obvious side impact that would have killed him, changing lanes over a motorcycle right outside his window, going into an 80 Kmh tight corner, at 120 Kmh... and fighting to keep the car on the road.. - EVERY 10 minutes in the reigonal city was a near miss or a crash about to happen.... Ihad a list of things on the trips that went into getting his license removed... His rants about teaching driving instructors how to drive back in 1957 - well just like Grandpa Simpson flying over Germany in WW2


@bigintol03: The thing that really pissed me off was everyone associated with him, would all say, "OH my god - never getting in the car with him again" or "He drive straight through the intersection almost hitting my truck" etc., etc., etc., etc., et.c., BUT NON OF THEM, took any effort to get his license removed and to have him taken off the road..... So everyone else was at risk of a crash because of this beligerent idiot - but it was OK because they weren't...... Cunts the lot of them. Have you heard the stories about the geriatric legally blind and brain rotted old people who run over kids at the shopping centre and didn't stop because they thought they had run over a couple of rubbish bags....

Mark E
Mark E
11 months ago

Or a speed-bump!


@bigintol03: Frightening..... Can't see, Got no idea of what is going on, Mentally - they are fucked..... "Grey Dawn" -

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