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Euro Feminists Are Mad That White Men Are Importing Asian Brides!!
• 10/24/20
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4 years ago
wow the double standard. white men can't import Asian women but Swedish women can import Muslim men? I guess the Swedish women likes their rapes to be halal
4 years ago
The Thai women will not destroy what is left of Swedish culture. The Muslim men will replace Swedish culture with their own culture. The Thai women are actually giving Sweden a chance of saving its culture as the children of the Thai Swede marriages will maintain both cultures while the children of Muslims will only maintain Muslim culture.
4 years ago
white females deserve what they get... prove me wrong...
4 years ago
yeah... euro whores wanted diseased mudslime and african reject dick... so now they got what they wanted lmao....
4 years ago
Wasn't it Swedish women who said to the natural born men of their country: "We aren't your women."
Be careful for what you wish!