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Europa last battle truth about the jews
• 09/03/23
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1 year ago
jews are white not semites. whites are not aryan. Aryan is sandskrit or south east pakistani (sind} for mountain people just west of the indus the pashtun or afghans. Why are white people so retarded? Whites want to be arabs and afghans?
1 year ago
people are catching on to the jews and the jewish bible and jewish quaran. They stole our native history, culture, heritage and spirituality and replaced it with gay homo jew shit that teaches us to worship their god and prophets who were gay and chews baby dicks off. Why do jews chew off baby dicks? Why are jews so gay? Is it because their dicks were chewed off???
1 year ago
And this, kids, is what happens when you allow central banks to exist and take people's guns away