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Even A Boy Can Snap!!

154 Views • 12/05/22
752 Subscribers

The male gloves have TRULY come off! <br>Search &quot;⁣Boy, 10, shot mom dead because she refused to make Amazon purchase.&quot;

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2 years ago

Nuclear "Truth Bombs"! Kick-ass Brother! ;-)


Just read one of the copy paste articles on the matter and he could in fact be mentally ill, OR he could have been really fucked up by years of narcisstic abuse and mind fuck head games and incest by his mother and or her friends.

It's hard to say - it might be something else again, or a combination of issues - however more of the story might come out over time.

In regards to my own borderline psycho mother, if I had not of had all these expereinces with her and as a result of her, I would not be who I am today. I recognise that she is mentally ill and cannot be anyone other than who she is and she is incapable of doing anything different to what she has done - this is just the way things are.

The nicest thing I can ever say is &quot;I never want to see her ever again&quot; - when she gets dropped in her box to rot - I don't even want to know about this.

BUT if she wanted to fuck with other people to the point they totally lost their shit and shot the bitch in the face or strangled her with her bare hands, I'd say, &quot;It's OK - it's in the natural order of things&quot; (IF you fuck with other people and they do you in - it's just how it goes).

And I would not want to know about it either.

But I would be prepared to testify on the defendants behalf by telling the jury, &quot;This is what she was really like to live with - she is a murderous mind fuck head game playing cunt - she pushes peoples buttons and rides them into their graves by manipulating them every inch of the way. She is fucking evil and as far as I am concerned, she has gotten what she deserved and the world is a better place for it.&quot;

The only thing I want from her death is a few personal objects, a couple of photos, and any inheretance from the estate.

Other than that - she is best avoided and to have nothing done with.

*** And as a foot note - despite all the feminist propaganda to the contrary - I have met so many people who turn up in self help groups who absolutely hate their mothers for what she did to them in the home, when they were children...

They were viscious, nasty, lyung, scheming, violent fucking cunts.... and their kids, now adults, absolutely hate them.

Brian Coley
Brian Coley
2 years ago

But you've closed the comments section of your You Tube video.
I can't support you on this one. This boy is a psychopath and his actions are unjustified. You shouldn't be making any sort of point out if this case!


How do you know any of this? His mother might be molesting him and beating him.

Brian Coley
Brian Coley
2 years ago

Do you have any evidence for what you're saying? No you are just making a wild claim. In this space we fight against false allegations not embrace them! The facts of the case is that a 10 year old boy murdered his own mother for no justifiable reason and no mgtow creator should be using this dreadful act from this obvious psychopath to score points. This is going way too far!

2 years ago

@BigBrianUK: Looks like you completely MISSED the point of this video.


@REDPILLMARRIED: Brian screeches and shrieks - totally off topic - I posted a video of a woman about to go skin diving off the side of the boat - flippers and snorkel etc., and just before she was about to plop off the ladder into the water, up out of the depths comes a HUGE shark with it's mouth wide open and and the chick goes "Wooooo!" and backs off back into the boat --- Brian starts up with his shit about "Do you think it's funny to see a woman being fed to the sharks" raaa raaa raaa..... So tell us Brian - we have real world issues and you inventing bullshit stories and dramas about them. What is your fucking problem Brian? Are you a woman who is on the rags? Or some psycho feminist spreading her shit around the place? What is going on and what you say - do not mesh - not even remotely.

Brian Coley
Brian Coley
2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: mgtow is about us not caring about what happens to women or their feelings, you obviously think it's about enjoying harm being inflicted. Extremists like you are the ones who got mgtow banned if many platforms. You're the ones playing into the hands of feminists and their allies. When we're banned and deplatformed what are you then going to do?

Brian Coley
Brian Coley
2 years ago

@REDPILLMARRIED: 10 year old boy showing all the signs of being a psychopath murders his mother for no reason. You are trying to make an irrelevant case for the father being present would've stopped it. The history of mass shooters in the US would prove you wrong! Me myself, I come from a background of being battered by my mother until the age of 12, then I gave her a warning, if she ever laid a hand on me again, I would forget she was a woman and my mother and treat her just like a man. She never laid a finger on me again after that. My father was their, left discipline of the children to my mother, who saw us growing up as a threat to her importance and authority. Having a father is no guarantee of safety.


@BigBrianUK: "no reason" - That was YOUR IDEA.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
2 years ago

Man he went ballistic for sure, She deserved it no cunnnNNNN’ttt intended.

2 years ago

The boy has become the son-husband/emotional tampon and was surely relentlessly psychologically assaulted by his mother ,that's why he snaped .Boys are assaulted by the state and single mothers and now people are surprised with the fact that most transgenders are biologicaly males .

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