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Everything burns
• 04/27/23
Crimson Hawk
78 Subscribers
let the culture burn. give it time. we will rise from the ashes.
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2 years ago
This is an old cope. Surprised to still see it around. History shows us that women would rather die childless than be with a man they don't deem good enough. There won't be some glorious moment where every young girl sees the state of things and retains their virginity and attains feminine skills to restart the patriarchy. Hard truth: just like in your example, if any of us make it it'll be the woke.
2 years ago
2 years ago
I like to have a break from the saturation of the main stream media and all the prophets of doom.
It saves me from becoming overloaded with too much shit I can't do fuck all about.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago