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Everything Is Fine

56 Views • 11/04/21
253 Subscribers

⁣They maybe missing a few thing out

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3 years ago

I'm 58yrs, I had to do a report in the 3rd/4th grade and how "advanced" they really where in the past, thus we are 2000yrs behind what the elites "have" right now. God must have been bored out of His mind to create man, then barely help when we call on Him. Sorry, "It's hard for me not be mad at a God that keeps endlessly dragging me through the shit of life".

3 years ago

The idea it makes us stronger....but it ends up killing us instead


3 years ago

The NASA-designed 3-blade wind generators were designed to fail. Why? To get the public disillusioned with alternative energy and get us back on the fossil fuel and nuclear plantation.

The 3-blade wind turbines barely make 4% efficient conversion of wind energy to electric power. They have many restrictions in their operation and, when they break down (which is often), they have to be shut down and locked in place. The very design of putting the power head at the top makes easy repairs impossible. These turbines were imposed upon us by brute force of government money, slimy contracts, and greenwashing propaganda.

Wind power CAN be effective but, not the current design! There are better and more efficient designs that convert more wind energy into mechanical energy to spin a generator. The same design also puts the generator head on the ground where it can be easily serviced. Plus, rather than tie the wind turbines directly to the grid (FUCKING STUPID), you have all of them run DC generators and supply a common giant bank of lead-acid batteries. Giant plates that are six feet tall and, unlike lithium ion or other types of batteries, the lead-acid type is 100% recyclable, easy to maintain, and very fault tolerant. The giant bank of batteries receive the uneven power flow from the wind machines and, through power regulators on the input and output, sends stable power to a DC to AC motor-generator. THAT is tied to the electric grid and its output is STEADY. THAT is what you fucking want feeding into the grid.

BTW, giant fields of solar electric panels can be tied to the common battery bank very easily and through the same power regulators. I just gave the fucking ANSWER to all of this RIGHT HERE.

3 years ago

The turbines are also very visible so saying look we are doing something

3 years ago

There's a freak SIMP vegan fuck in the UK that builds wind turbines. His wife took him to court 20 years after they divorce asking for more money... And won.

3 years ago

Another one bits the dust

3 years ago

My favorite was the 400+ private jet's showing up. Apparently their co2 isn't bad, only our co2 is bad.

3 years ago

My ten cent's is if those in power cared about green energy they wouldn't have slashed Nuclear Fusion research over the year's. Massive amounts of energy and little nuclear waste. Far better than solar or wind.

3 years ago


3 years ago

@Councilof1: Chernobyl wasn't a good look


3 years ago

All of those jets are powered by fermenting Soylent Green and separating out the distillate. Today's billionaires only eat Prime Soylent Green (made from bodies of aborted babies) and their private jets are fueled by distillates of people (Soylent Jet Fuel).


3 years ago

@Councilof1: Nuclear power is 100% safe and doable *IF* you keep the profit motive in check! There are ways to make idiot-proof nuclear power systems but, the ZOG-U.S. way of procuring such systems for commercial use is full of greed, stupidity, incompetence, and managerialism. We CAN'T do it right, even when the answer is in plain sight. Too many idiots trying to inject their pet projects or unneeded features or high-profit systems into it. The U.S. Navy is the world's most successful operator of nuclear power. Why? Admiral Hyman Rickover was a TOTAL ASSHOLE but, he was all about making nuclear power SAFE and as reliable as possible. That means his designs were NOT the most efficient and NOT the most profitable to make. BUT.... our record of nuclear operations are unequalled by any other Navy. The same systems could be scaled up, designed to use lower enrichment fuel, and made into commercial nuclear power plants. Better to have six or seven identical medium nuclear plants than one gigantic nuke power plant that was a clusterfuck in its design, procurement, and finally put into operation.


3 years ago

@Councilof1: Nuclear fusion is a pipe dream. Especially if you understand what is involved in the process. Take two bar magnets and try to force the two north poles together. Then imagine you're trying to force two atomic nuclei together, with an equally distributed force from all sides, and their mutual repulsion is massively greater. Let's say you finally get the forces perfectly balanced and you finally get the nuclei together. So what? To make it feasible for making controllable power, you'll have to do this on a scale a trillion times bigger than the two magnets in your hands. Fission is the only way to do it because it is far easier to control the dissolution of atoms than to force them together. People don't understand that nuclear fusion is happening on a massive scale on the surface of the Sun. NOT THE SUN'S CORE! There are forces involved that simply cannot be done on an Earthly scale. Best to take what Nature has given us with fissionable material and work with that.

3 years ago

The world didn't have car's and aircraft in the 16 hundreds but the River Thames Froze, forest fires were common place and people survived. I think Global warming or at least this climate thing is the next NEW War on us the people to make there's bastards a lot of wealth (they don't really need)? I myself with the exception of the internet have now regressed back to more or less the Mid 1970's in what I REALLY need to survive on. Less (a lot less) is MORE and it works. My cut's are due to wallet size rather than environmental reason's, and I'm years ahead (or should that be back)? lol! in the way I run my life. In fact the ploy of Government to con and make money out of people relies on people or (Sheeple) for it to work? and for them it probably will work, but for me I find that by looking back to the past I have become very RICH , NOT with money but commonsense

Although I was born a decade after the end of WW2 I come from a family that Saved and reused and mended stuff, or knitted or made your own parts for things? and that is the person I am now. My Nan and Granddad used to call me "Mr Make do and Mend", which I think was a meme from the war years. I dumpster dive and the thrill of seeing FULL Dumpster (or skip) is like that thrill when you collect that shiny new car? lol! Yep! Climate change is a CON, it's the new War on humanity to make the evil one's lot's of their worthless money that has no value to anyone other tyhan them and those involved with them including the public. I've found I get by on very little and do really well in my other riches like a rational thinking mind, I was also a Boy Scout as a kid so being PREPARED is also natural to me.

3 years ago

Dib, dib, dob, dob

3 years ago

@SoloMan Zone: Not Akala we do out best, but What the hell I do my best!

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