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Evolution VS. Creationism Part 1
• 09/06/22
"K C" "Sunbeam"
17 Subscribers
Pt 1 of 7: Life's Possible Origins, Problem with Current Ideologies, Evolution's Dominance, Thermodynamics.
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2 years ago
interesting topic.. You know this stuff called water is fluid , until the tilt of the earth moves certain regions far enough from the heat of the sun to not keep it in fluid form. so it freezes.. and turns the surface of the earth white.. as this happens biological life wanes.. it happens every year.. Have you ever noticed a man's hair falls in the third quarter of his life and turns white in the fourth quarter.. just like the seasons.. Some evolutionists claim that spontaneous genetic errors created white hair in cold times just by accident and it was beneficial in the continued life of those specimens.. and so that trait got carried forward and dominant.. but animals mimick.. EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED BY SPACE.. hell how could gravity work if space is nothing.. it couldn't.. So the earth is holding down your kitchen table.. set a nickel on the table and the earth is holding down the nickel too.. and right through the socalled solid matter of the table.. What is actually happening is the table itself is adding to the gravitational force.. Just like gravity increases as planets align.. So light travels from the sun to the earth carrying with it alot of energy that is turned into heat when it makes contact with matter? When you shine a flashlight through your hand.. it shines through your hand.. you can see the light in your hand because your hand is made from concentrated space.. so light travels through space when it hits your hand that light is concentrated along with the space that is your body's matter.. You can actually see that your body is made up of concentrated space as the light concentrates inside your body..
I think most energies are byproducts of gravity.. Gravity is the all pervasive invisible elephant in the room.. so why does your hair turn white as you near your last days ;) .. no offense.. lol. .. The snow falls annually.. and people live 80 years.. I think space is concentrated in the particles of matter and stretched everywhere else.. it happened during the singularity event.. space getting stuck together.. in clusters or clumps... anyways I believe that space is concentrated in the particles and stretched everywhere else.. and as we travel through space at 1/2 million mph or whatever it is,, space is blasting through our matter.. concentrated to stretched at the miniscule level. .concentrated stretched .. back and forth the stretched space between the particles is moving at a tremendous velocity between the particles.. for this to happen the space must transition effortlessly.. without resistance.. what causes gravity is the lack of space between objects. .the stretched space,, from the expanding uneevers. .. ;) .. gets pulled tighter as 2 objects get closer and closer.. they are fighting over limited space supply.. and the closer they get or the larger the mass .. requires more space.. the more gravitational pull occurs.. see. .i'm a real genius.. I just gave you a feasible expolanation for gravity.. and everything is connected through space.. in fact the space you are made up of is instantly someone elses structure.. as they are next to you.. you are sharing the same space.. and there is probably some gravity between you. but the earth's gravitational pull is overpowering.. When man and woman are touching .. there is no telling the energies that are shared.. maybe it is just heat.. You have heard of kinetic energy.. maybe much of our life force come from motion.. we are traveling maybe 1/2 million miles per hour.. when you accountt for the galaxy and all .. from what i heard.. do we assimilate the environment through our senses? a mockingbird mimicks it neighbor birds.. the call of a mockingbird is one type of bird after the other ,, that it has heard.. but I don't think our physiology has been altered that way.. by what we see.. I think it is a shared space thing.. connecting everything.. I still think about this stuff a little.. maybe I will figure it out where it can be p;roven logically.. I am pretty good at that ya know. .. lol.. heheh..
2 years ago
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