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Exploring The Consequences of Guys Leaving Dating Behind (Breakdown) Hypothesis
• 05/18/22
181 Subscribers
Discord Channel Link: <br> <br>How to Spot: #Analysis #Reaction #React <br>How are things looking out there is your part of the world going forward?
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3 years ago
I love the desperation in this woman's voice. We win!
3 years ago
chameleon wonders why Men walk away ...
3 years ago
Future is female, mgtow are helping it be your present. Why wait?
3 years ago
Lol another chameleon plenty of them coming in because life is getting hard for them especially post wall chicks like this 304
3 years ago
I won't ride an elevator if there's females in the car, I wave her/them on. And there were evenings I wouldn't even open the door to answer a knock. And they get mad because I'll only talk through the door. When they knock asking for change I say I'm all out, when they ask to borrow a cup of sugar, coffee, milk an onion, or whatever, I charge $$ them for it. They created this problem and until it gets fixed, if it can be fixed, I tell guys to do a Monty Python and Run Away, Run Away!