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FAFO Ep. 10
• 06/16/23
752 Subscribers
Launch Spit, Get Hit! <br>Search "Fired Colorado officer accused of punching handcuffed woman who allegedly spat on him."
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2 years ago
I gotta partially disagree with you, RPM. I don't think the officer should have been given any anger management classes. I mean think about it: the officer is doing his job, and this bitch spits on him? If anyone needs anger management classes, it's this dumb bitch who was so entitled she thought she can expectorate on law enforcement officers without repercussions--and I can't stand the police. Seriously, who WOULDN'T be angry that they were spit on? She's lucky it wasn't me, because I'd have let the K9 unit go to town on her until I was tired. Anger management classes are stupid in and of themselves, as emotions are neutral. It's one's ACTIONS that are good or bad. Serial killers, for example, aren't necessarily "angry" when they offline a victim; in fact many of them actually derive pleasure from their actions.
...and I'm sure we can agree that (insert serial killer murder method here) is far more wicked than punching someone in the face for spitting on you.
Years ago I was ordered by a judge to take anger management classes for defending a friend, WHO WAS 8 MONTHS PREGNANT AT THE TIME, from an assault, so I'll admit I may be slightly biased. Had this been a MAN who spit on that cop, nothing would have happened to the officer.
2 years ago
Spitting can spread some NASTY diseases.
He should have kicked the fucking daylights out of her.
2 years ago
2 years ago