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4 years ago
This is why them Arabs don’t let their bitches drive. Take notes western men. Taliban!!!!
4 years ago
Just a point, Thomas was the ENGINE, Annie and Clarabelle (the Coaches) couldn't move a fucking inch without HIM! lol! Can you imagine the Carnage on an episode of Thomas the Tank Engine if the engines were fefail? lol!
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
Love the THOMAS THEME! lol! What Fefails will do for attention now, to get a crowd of MEN around them to get noticed by the MALE, in reality this is noticed for all the wrong reason's and not SEX or being a Knight in shining armor?
4 years ago
I love watching numb nut's at work when they drive onto crossings or drive the wrong way on a highway! lol!. what makes me laugh is that they are so dumb they would rather break the law first then leave a prized possession to be hit by a train that cant stop anyway's? why on earth to they just simply drive through the barrier slowly, most barriers today are spring loaded anyway? I can understand a little about the trucks that get stuck on crossings, but why don't the trailer manufacturer's work out a way of the stands on the trailer to fold up out of the way completely?
My final comment on the crossing thing is I've seen them jump barriers and it is nearly always a FEFAIL! don't they know what the barrier lights are telling them?
4 years ago
4 years ago