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Feminism Pitch Meeting (Screen Rant Parody)
• 11/23/19
T.F. Monkey
4,110 Subscribers
I'm not affiliated with Screen Rant in any way, and I'm sure they denounce the content of this video. Please don't take this video as any kind of endorsement or affiliation between myself and Screen Rant.
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4 years ago
Gentlemen. In the Art of War it is Said do not attack a walled city. We as fathers have indeed attempted to attack the walled city on our own. No back up, no support by fire and with very bad Intel.
The information has been distributed now by men such as yourself and others, the numbers are there by the millions, there is a solution. The simple version minus logistics is that we work to unite these abused, and disenfranchised Fathers, and anyone useful and willing. On mass we have ourselves a mostly peaceful protest. That will not be enough though as bitching is not the same as being proactive. We cease all purchases that provide tax revenue. We leave our jobs, we get into formations across the country and hold the fucking ground until these murderous greedy child fucking pricks remember that Master Blaster runs Barter Town. Demand the disillusion of the Family Courts system as it is unconstitutional and has no place in this Republic. We demand that child support laws be elimitated immediately as we know what they are there for. Any insintive for the government to take our kids to make money needs to go away. This will actually save billions in tax payer dollars and strengthen the family unit wich is the building block of civilization its self. The opposite of civilization being Butt Fucking Communism. There is way more to this. I would like to talk about this more if you do not mind. We have the information, we have the numbers to make a difference. At this point now with every we know starring at us in the face it is our fault that it is happening as we really have not united and faced this enemy head on.
Since we have the information and the numbers we can no longer blame women or the government. It is our own fault for not acting. When we do nothing we deserve nothing. Am I wrong? Consider this. We as a population will untite to travel across the world and kill poor people in other places, but will not act to save our children our or selves.
4 years ago
4 years ago
There's ONE thing I don't like about this. One minor criticism, that never quite sit right with me. Which is, at 3:23 "Because it would be really bad if those cultures were highly patriarchial, and started murdering people or something". Because that implies that being patriarchial is a bad thing and is why they are murdering people. That is not a good implication to make in a video that is advocating that patriarchy is the correct and natural order for humans and feminism is ostensibly bad, I feel it is counterproductive to the message of the video. Also, the cultures aren't doing the murdering, the people from those cultures are. I think it should be rephrased to something like "Because it would be really bad if those cultures were highly patriarchial, and the people from them were against the ideals of our feminist establishment, and also if they were violent savages that are products of their violent environment they left behind, and started murdering people or something." I don't know, that's not great either, and I don't really know how to make it great and concise. But it really shouldn't be the way it is there I think.
Funny thing, I actually saw this in 2019 before I saw any of the pitch meeting videos other than the feminist ghostbusters one, so I didn't actually get the run-on jokes/catch phrases or appreciate your attention to detail, but now after watching a bunch of them, I see it differently. Though I mostly don't watch them any more since fyi that ryan george guy who makes them, is kind of a sjw unfortunately, he tips his hand there from time to time, like in the pitch meeting for Disney's Alladin he insists the "Arabian Nights" song is racist for referring to practices of middle eastern culture during like AD 1000 as barbaric, which they were. I kind of doubt that he would call it racist if someone suggested that Europe was barbaric in AD 1000, oh but Islamic cultures transcend allowable criticism of course.
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
This is your Magnum Opus TFM.
4 years ago
4 years ago
so good