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FEMINIST ARTICLE Encourages Women To WAIT UNTIL 30's Before Settling Down.... ►STEAL 1 MONTH OF COACHING FOR ONLY $1◄ <br> ►►DOWNLOAD MY "33 SECRETS" NOW (ONLY 100 COPIES)◄◄ <br> <br>NOTE : Please do not send derogatory comments to the creator being reviewed in tonight's coaching video. What I review is only a small portion of their story & my own personal take as a content creator. So keep it respectful! <br> <br>Don't Miss Out On UNRELEASED VIDEOS & NEVER BEFORE SEEN Content! Get On My Email List NOW! It's 100% FREE!!! ►► ( CLICK HERE NOW!!! ) <br> <br>To Learn More SECRET TIPS For How To Attract Beautiful Women, Avoid Rejection, And Get Out Of The Friend Zone ►► CLICK HERE TO GET ON MY EMAIL NOW! ►► <br> <br>*********************************** <br> <br>DOWNLOAD MY "33 SECRETS TO DATING BEAUTIFUL WOMEN" NOW! ( ONLY 100 COPIES ) : <br> <br> <br>STEAL 1 MONTH OF COACHING FROM M* FOR ONLY $1! ( ONLY 25 SPOTS ) : <br> <br> <br>MAKE A DONATION! ( HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL & WORK ) : <br> <br> <br>*********************************** <br> <br>#the33secrets #redpill #datingadviceformen
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3 years ago
Yes put off marriage until you're in your thirtees to ensure you'll have the most miserable life ever. Keep doing that dumb dumbs.
3 years ago
Back in the day, Elton John was called bisexual by the FNM. He even married a woman (I guess) to "validate" that label. Of course their marriage was short lived, and he went back to his "first love": Being a sodomite.
3 years ago
Why get married when they can do bikini car washes into their 30s?
3 years ago
when do you think you will move on from talking about female psychology, to fighting for men's legal rights, liberating billions of men - divorce courts, decades lasting manslavery, paternity fraud, no Parer, etc.
3 years ago
Went shopping this morning after a short holiday, and boy were there some fucking Ugly women in the store! lol!