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Feminist fat and ugly women in Israel!!

87 Views • 01/10/22
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3 years ago

Thanks for doing this video in English, Tenenbaum... Are you telling us that the milkers on the Khazar Milkers aren't as great as advertised? I think you just can't get access to the Khazar milkers, and you're pissed about it....

Tenenbaum, the problem is Zionism; this is why men aren't united. There are people amongst your countrymen who are the direct receivers of massive amounts of debt money via the fractional reserve banking system. It all gets sucked up by Zionism. Of course, there are shadow companies etc, but behind these shadow companies are individuals. People, like you and me. And they mostly live in "Israel" or NYC or Washington, DC..... This is the reason why men aren't united. Your 'country' is at the root of the problem. Your country is like a giant sponge, sucking up all value from every other country, including the Asians (and they're getting super pissed, btw).

The other problem is that many jews are of Canaanite extraction, not of Israelite ancestry. And this presents many problems to the world, and to the 'Jewish' claim that the Holy Land belongs to them.


bro i think you fell into the lies of the sand niggers' "free palestine" propaganda. israel represents the values of the west, and the east is trying to islamize the west. there is a cultural battle going on. the western male-female realtionship problems couldve been solved long time ago were it not for the massive invasion of muslims imo. about zionism sucking up the US debt money - look: it goes both ways. israelis live a fairly simple and modest life. the fact that US puts its money into our army is because of OIL interests. So actually its US who is "using" us to keep control over iraq ,egypt, etc and stay in control over oil market. Israel is just a good business branch for US , and we dont mind really because we see US as an ally. but dont get deceived bro, your leaders are not that dumb. they invest their money here because it pays off and actually they dont it as much anymore - now that the "green movement" is picking pace. you got too many bastards at your side too , to be precise- those lefty hipsters who are pushing for "open borders". as well as muslims and blacks voting for islamization of the west.


3 years ago

Tenenbaum, I like you, bro, but stop lying. You know I'm right. Judea died in 70AD, and was exterminated by 73AD. You guys are all having a massive collective joke at the expense of the world. It is not our responsibility to keep uptodate with your delusions.


@Mgtow_economics: bruh im not lying, israel is the worst place in the world for jews. if censorship was not so heavy here maybe you would hear about it. i personally concluded that its a business station for global oligarchs for oil purposes. and if you look closely, you will see that each israeli/us war ever waged in the middle east was done to achieve that purpose and to pass more oil industry foundations and lines. Now israel is useless to them therefore they are riding on the "free palestine" agenda to close this place up. i dont get it really why you guys buy into it, after all- the NWO goal is to exterminate white men since their IQ is too high and you might create a superintelligent robot (as stated by bill gates himself). "free palestine" and "death to zionism" is just another strawman they put in your face


@Hizkiahu Tenenbaum ISRAEL: the free palestine *movement* -FIX , since that one IS kind of organic. its an expression of the arabs wanting to islamize and conquest the western christian value




3 years ago

@Hizkiahu Tenenbaum ISRAEL: The Islamization of the West has occurred because of Central Bank policy, especially QE, which is a counterfeiting operation to benefit Boomers, Women, and Zionists... Please, Tenenbaum, you're not speaking to a low IQ person. The tricks won't work. One way or another, either zionism dies or the world does... Also, you 'Jews' are a multi-racial people, who cannot prove that you are related to the Judeans. In fact, it is highly likely that you are NOT related to the Judeans, as the remnant of the Judeans were wiped out by the Romans. Also, even in that Biblical period, the Judeans were mostly all Canaanites and Edomites. For example, the Herods were Edomites.... This is a giant LARP at the world's expense, and it is a money counterfeiting and theft operation... Yes, yes, not all, not all, and not you personally, but as I stated above, there are individual persons in "Israel" who have an extreme amount of individual clandestine (hidden or covert) wealth - we're talking about hundred of billions or even trillions of dollars... All the money is getting siphoned up by the Jewish banking system. And individual Jews are the final beneficiaries, behind all these shell companies.


3 years ago

@Hizkiahu Tenenbaum ISRAEL: I do agree with you in that Zionism is used as a business station for oligarchs, but it's probably not just oil. There's also the technology oligarchs (Google, Intel, Microsoft), the pharmaceutical oligarchs (Teva pharmacueticals), and mostly, the financial oligarchs (Goldman Sachs, the Vanguard Group). Look up a person called Aviv Nevo. He's the main shareholder of the Vanguard group, which owns a variety of banks and corporations. He's an Israeli.... The problem that I have is that a lot of this "Capital" has been derived from espionage, and human intelligence/ technology capture. For example, Teva pharmaceuticals makes medications that have lost their patents. It is clear that Jews within other pharma companies sent TEVA the data to make these off-patent drugs. It means that Jews are acting as CORPORATE SPIES. Which is not very sportsmanslike conduct. It's actually a very SINFUL act to do against one's countrymen.


@Mgtow_economics: you say zionists as if they are a different species. zionism is an ideology invented by a group of people in the 19th century according to which jews need to invent their own country since goyim kept harrassing and murdering them. what happened is that jews who became succesful were investing their money in their own community - because there is a jewish law in halacha called "tzdaka" . its based off the biblical law "almsgiving". so actually , its was the non-zionist jews who were stealing the goyim and creating a whole cartel which hurts the goyims economy and seems like a parasitic body. so zionists deemed this not fair, saw the problem in this, and decided to set up israel as a solution so that jews can live off their own money instead of profitting in a foreign mens country. so in a sense, you should be for zionism and not against it. about the second part of your answer- jews are a tribe, not a race. a tribe which has its own religious practice "judaism". and thirdly i dont see why i should be ashamed of jews being succesful financially. the market is competitive today, and it took a very long time to build this system. the past century was filled with hellish wars that the earth wont be able to bear again. in fact i think you goyim should learn from jews and start taking care of your tribes instead of trying to change government policies , because government is a souless organization whose nature is to turn against its citizens. why not start taking care of your tribes instead like jews do? or sending money back to the community? dont you have christianity for that? i saw lately a post by gab's CEO , in which he describes how tribal christianity could solve white men being cucked by blacks. the problem with zionism though is that jews started trying to become politically active instead of taking care of their community, which made them forget their roots and start relying on governments again. but that only makes them weaker and less of a burden on the US taxpayer- because then, similarly to US citizens they also become a victim of the financial system which has lots of single moms mouths to feed. there is no such thing as "worlds expense", because the real values are land and women. do jews have most of the land and women of the world? no. we have one small piece of land, and some of our women who stayed faithful to the tribe. jews are actually poor if you look at the true resources which are 1. land 2. women. and the fact that US goverment became so powerful is exactly because white men (who build that country) lost their women. and the low iq black dudes and muslims who are inheritting the west are not really capable of sustaining that system. so i personally as a jew would prefer if whites did something to organize and take power back but i dont see much initiative from your side tbh. russia is also cucked now... and im not really looking forward to a world of low iq arabs managing a world with the weapons jews and whites created.. that could really be the end of the world

3 years ago

Man quit the " Red Pill Rage " and go to Thailand ! Problem solved ^^

3 years ago

what a moron. sorry

3 years ago

Perhaps we should coin you "The Angry Israelite"(?). Lol.


3 years ago

Although he is Jewish, even *I* can find compassion for this man. I wouldn't be surprised that he is just a Regular Yosef and struggling to find his place among insane people. The feminist insanity is everywhere. Even in the heart of darkness aka Israel.

3 years ago

3:40. Don't forget to REALLY piss her off by asking for her body count. Lol.


lol been there done that. got an accusation of sexual harrassement right away. to my fortune the cops were in good mood that day

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