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feminists and their male allies are a self correcting problem.
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1 year ago
A MGTOW is very very different to being a DINK.
1 year ago
You would think homosexuals go extinct but somehow there is always a new batch......
1 year ago
1 year ago
The sooner the leftists go extinct the better.
1 year ago
People on the Left are lgbtq and pro choice but they seem to always outnumber people on the Right.
1 year ago
As an almost 60 year old man I never for one second thought about having kids.I see it as nothing more than a financial and emotional trap for men. The amount of control a woman has over a man that has kids with her is way too much and no womans ever gonna have control over my time and my wallet like that.I had long term girlfriend that wanted to get married and have kids and I easily walked away from her and that situation,I would have been totally miserable even though she was pretty nice to me before she said she wanted kids.That changed everything for me and I walked away with no hesitation whatsoever.