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Feminists are BEGGING for Marriage Now | MGTOW Moments
Feminists are BEGGING for Marriage Now | MGTOW Moments <br> <br>In this video, we will go though more Manfulness and share more opinions on mgtow, redpill, blackpill, purplepill and different manosphere stories. Not only that, but we will also share our opinions on man go their own way (or men going their own way) and share what happens when we have a reaction to it. Most of these reactions are from female and feminists who don't agree with our lifestyle or modern style dating... <br> <br>...and who get really bothered with hypergami or our different type of relationships. <br> <br>We hope you enjoy our videos. Don't take them just as dating advice for men or relationship advices but more like entertainment and raising awareness content. <br> <br>SUBSCRIBE and never miss a video: <br>➡ <br> <br>If you want to submit your own stories so we share them on the channel, please email them at: <br>➡ [email protected] <br> <br>Music used: <br> <br>Song: MBB - Beach (Vlog No Copyright Music) <br>Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. <br>Video Link: <br> <br>And stop simping if you are one of those! Be a real man like Sandman, Coach Greg Adams or Oshay Duke Jackson which are other mgtow (men going their own way) channels we recommend! <br> <br>*We do not promote or support any harm or hate torwards any gender, relatioship status or race. We only share our point of view and we want to promote healthy choices for men, in lifestyle, finances and emotional relationships. <br> <br>*Only educational reasons are intended for this video. Every history or opinion in this video (and on this channel) is my own, based on my own experiences or submited by one of our viewers. I don't hold a professional license as a therapist, psychologist, physician or marriage advisor. You are in charge of your own behavior and actions. Without first consulting a professional, you shouldn't take any action or rely on any of the information in video.
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3 years ago
Accept no marriage but the one God gave us. In God's marriage:
- The wife has a duty to obey her husband. It is by obedience to her husband that she obeys God.
- A woman can only marry if she's a virgin. This is not symmetric.
- Women can't initiate divorce. Women can't remarry.
- A woman can't enter into contracts, as she must obey her husband, and so can't make promises to others.
- The husband has the right to physically discipline his wife.
What we have today can't be called marriage. It's a different institution altogether, and it is visibly an evil one.
3 years ago
We do have a solution to the 5-10% of men who fuck 90-95% of the women, and it's in the bible. If a man fucks a married woman, both he and she are to be executed. And if they fuck a virgin, the remedy is he must marry her, can't divorce her, and has to pay her father a good chunk of money.
Our problems were solved thousands of years ago, we just forgot, and when someone points us to the solution, we shut our eyes.
3 years ago
The single mother was "FORCED" to become single - no 90% of the time, these cunts CHOSE to become single.
3 years ago
3 years ago