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Film them back!

19 Views • 08/23/23
190 Subscribers

Here's a little trade secret for you to ponder. In supermarkets usually you will find that only ! in ever 3 camera's in store are actually either turned off or are Dumbies. same goes for Speed Camera's, you seelot's of them about but most remain empty as the locaql Authoprities and Police DO NOT have the money to activart them. did some investigation and my local police have 6 camera's which they use over 3 Counties here in the UK. There favorite theswe day's is the White Camera Van often easily spotted because it will usually bew parked illegally. I was chatting a while back with a guy in the pub who told me he had one of these Vans parked on the grass verge outside his drive to his house, not blocking his drive may I add but I wouldn't put it past them? He told me he went out and told the camera operator to fuck off and MOVE, on the basis that if he wanted to go out the van would be bloicking his visibility to road traffic when he wanted to pull out. Oh and yes the tosse did move, 100 ft down thwe road.

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2 years ago

Another thing about YOU filming in a supermarket. That is NOT private space if it is open to the public, it is a PUBLIC space, their stock room or loading bay is private property but if they let the public in that is a PUBLIC SPACE, they cannot make you turn YOUR camera off. they want a surveillance culture it has to work both ways. I wear a thumb nail camera on my pocket or collar when I go out in public sometimes.

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