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Fish Heads and Kung Fu Masters - A Discussion With Shining Light
Messenger Rising and Shining Light attempt to make the world a better place for men by discussing various topics. <br> <br>Shining Light's channel aka Man_Out Of_Time: <br>Greg the Sinner's channel: <br> <br>Topics for discussion: <br> <br>1) a. The state of mental support for men and its ever changing categories. <br>b. Male silence and the subsequent lack of help. <br>c. Are we being ignored by governments and wider society? <br> <br>2) Mis/disinformation and poor research; why do we believe and spread lies? <br> <br>3) Men as the new leisure class and the ongoing desire for men to self sacrifice? <br> <br>4) Who are our peers and teachers? <br> <br>5) a.Racial/cultural bias, and the cost of living under grand delusions. <br>b. Identifying with your group/race in order to claim victimhood at the expense of being a sovereign man. <br>c. Are nationalists the new sacrificial beta males? <br>d. The willingness of ethnocentric men to breed with women from 'inferior races'. <br> <br>6) Habits for a healthy mind, which could branch into many subjects like viewing, listening habits, physical well being, the company you keep, self reflection, world perspectives etc. <br> <br>7) Self fulfilling prophecies. <br> <br>8) Fish Heads and Kung Fu Masters - a scientific examination of the historic consumption of fish heads. <br> <br>9) Three existential questions for Shining Light. <br> <br>I make these videos to pay back for the help and advice I've received from other like-minded men. If you would like to show your appreciation please consider donating to one of the men's charities listed below, thanks for watching. <br> <br>CALM Campaign Against Living Miserably - <br>Families Need Fathers - <br>Mankind - <br>Men's Aid - <br>Prostate Cancer UK - <br>Save Our Sons, Duchenne, Australia - <br> <br>If you would like a charity added to this list please provide a link in the comments, thank you.
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