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Florida Is Free from CRT

37 Views • 08/21/22
18 Subscribers

Freedom includes the freedom from indoctrination.

We, therefore, reject teaching kids to hate our country or to hate each other through concepts such as CRT.

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2 years ago

C'mon Governor. At some point, you'll have to defend the "W" word. WHITES!

At some point, you'll have to come out swinging and tell Whites to stop tolerating this anti-White propaganda. Whites have NOTHING to apologize for. We've paid for the sins of others for way too long.

At some point, you'll have to come out with fiery rhetoric and starting naming the Jewish NGO's who've been pushing the anti-White narrative for DECADES now. The ADL, the JDL, AIPAC, B'nai B'rith, CHABAD, SPLC, and plenty others. (((THEY))) are among the "OTHERS" who've run slave rackets for centuries, blamed Whites for what they did, and continue to run sex slavery around the world. And they BRAG about it.

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