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FMOS - Gender of all Genders
BobtheMonk in one of his many creative genius moments coined Forever Morphing Organic Substance to refer to the insanity we witness. In this livestream, the only thing I could do to keep it together was laugh the laugh of the insane. Where are we: clown world. Where are we going? Our own way in sanity, freedom and self-preservation. Avoid all these insane people. They need help, not co-dependency.
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4 years ago
There are two genders and 61 mental conditions. BTW I've heard there are more than 63 now. These people keep inventing new ones to stay relevant.
5 years ago
I’m non binary and I know there are only 2 genders
5 years ago
there is only 1 gender, women are objects ^.^
5 years ago
This was live riffing based on comments in the chat. Then BobtheMonk dropped the hammer and the rest is history.