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Food shortages were decided many years ago.
• 05/19/22
80 Subscribers
This is from 2015. Everything has already been out for everyone to see for decades.
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3 years ago
When they talk about this, they mean the opposite, highlighting the most self sustained ''populations'' not governments that have IRON super-tight grip on their populations. They have to find all locations where people are growing their own shit and wipe them off. This video is all little bill gates mini me's. omg.. It's a little bit more complex, but basically rotating shit and putting it out of reach, making confusing routes, just fucking it all up so people can't live without their rulers.
3 years ago
Lol think how many trees 1 person can plant, but no they cut all of that shit and killed all the farmers.. They just like to play monopoly, like to control, that's their thing, they get off on that.
3 years ago
We have not, bc we ask not (Jm. 4:2-3).