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French Christian beats migrant for disturbing prayer
• 06/26/22
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2 years ago
Christians were not always so passive.
3 years ago
For starters, they are NOT MIGRANTS. They are *IMMIGRANTS*. That little spelling change is a Jew Mind Trick that subconsciously plays on the Jewish agenda of a world without borders. A MIGRANT is a legitimate citizen who relocates within the borders of his country. An IMMIGRANT is a foreigner and non-citizen who comes from without and wants to establish a new domicile.
Thank fucking god that the Sermon on the Mount was kicked in the nuts before putting the smack down on this 3rd world animal who would not respect their public religious display. Granted, it is improper to be showcasing and virtue signalling for Jeebus but, the greater sin was for that nigger to deliberately disrupt them with his rap trash.
The average Christ-tard would not be able to discipline these animals. The Judaizers have convinced them to, "Love your enemies" and "turn the other cheek." Fuck that. That may be the core of JEWdeo-Xtianity but, throw that shit out and force these immigrants to respect our idols or get WHIPPED........ or hanged.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Notice the women moving out of the way
2 years ago
3 years ago
The only thing some people respect is the use of force
3 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
3 years ago
Well that was fuckin' glorious.