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FULL- Common law used correctly under the magna carter to reclaim a public building and educate donut sniffers
• 03/01/22
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3 years ago
They are NOT your friends.
Act accordingly.
Aside: Although, a nicely put together speech. Police have authority, on authorities bestowed on them by the government, like "Exigence" and "Reasonable Suspicion", up to and including the use of force for what reasonable people might consider mundane offenses. They have the authority to Arrest and Jail, even if it in the slightest, impedes or prevents the exercise of police duties.
This whole speech citing "Magna Carta" is just wasted breath and these cops know it. They can very easily knock him down without listening and place him under arrest of MULTIPLE violations and ordinances, which they already have memorized and now you have to defend yourself against; at your own expense.'
Let them have it. Just walk away.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
That was pretty cool!
3 years ago
Countries common law can be practices is Slight reddy pink