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Genetic Dead End - MGTOW

338 Views • 01/18/22
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Chill and here's what he has to say: "Hello there Sandman, I have my next video topic for you and its kind of heavy. As my red pill rage continues to make me avoid relationships, I feel as though I am slowly mourning the children I will never have. I heard Stefan Molyneux say in a speech that "around 40% of the men [in all of history] did not reproduce" and I am going through the stages of grief as I move into acceptance that I will be one of these men. As I accept my status as a "genetic dead-end" as I've heard it termed, I find myself unmotivated to better myself or even maintain myself. The only reasons I can find to exercise and increase my lifespan are a desire to see an extra decade or two of video game development before I die. I find it hard to resist the ice cream when I go grocery shopping when I have nothing to live for but my own self-enjoyment. I even lack the motivation to brush my teeth anymore. My mindset is getting more and more nihilistic. I often find myself using the expression "the juice is not worth the squeeze" that is usually reserved for relationships with women, but I will also apply it to life in modern society. 2/3 of people don't like their job, and we work 5 days out of 7. That fact alone has begun to make me consider having a child as inflicting a lifetime of suffering, toil, and misery upon an innocent dormant soul, just so I can enjoy the reward chemicals released from my brain for having achieved vicarious immortality. Sandman I know you have mentioned surrogates and artificial wombs, but I also wouldn't want to give my child the handicap of a single parent, and since taking the red pill, I have almost no confidence that a woman would remain loyal and committed long-term to a guy like me anymore. I've never had the good looks to attract women. So I naively though I'd go to college, make a lot of money, and then find the confidence in myself that would attract women to me just like the good-looking guys (because women weren't gold diggers of course). Now I can't even search for better paying jobs because the more I make, the more the government takes for child support if I drunkenly impregnate some thot, and if I lose that high paying job, and go down to lower income, I know the court probably won't reduce my child support, and I may go into a spiral of failing to meet payments, losing my license, losing my job, homeless and finally suicide, all for a child I won't even be allowed to meet. So as you can see Sandman, the red pill has started to bring me to a pretty nihilistic place. Any advice to help come to peace with the fact I won't have kids and can you offer any motivation to take care of myself despite that knowledge? Well Mr. Chill thanks for another donation and for sending me your request. But before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor body transformation made simple:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Ad Image Credits:

1. Cheerful young couple in love having fun outdoors. Man and woman screaming and fighting for fun. Bride and groom posing for photographer.

2. Collage of upset brides- square banner size

3. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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6 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

This sounds like an earlier version of Sandman, less hyped up voice. Also promoting the Doll House through his (pre Google) You Tube channel. No mention of MGTOW.TV since it didn't exist yet.

3 years ago

video game development and testing is already OVERsaturated, and with all the push to teach everyone to code, the rest of software development will soon be, too. so unless you can become a master software engineer to oversee complex enterprise projects, don't even bother.

3 years ago

I have worked with some old programmers, and they could buy a lot more on their salary about 30 years ago. Still coding is mostly analyzing what the user means and there is not enough focus on that part.


3 years ago

Trouble with coding is that it ultimately does nothing. It doesn't plant one stalk of corn. It doesn't lay one brick. It doesn't forge or cast anything. It doesn't catch one fish. It doesn't fix anything in the real world. All the aforementioned were done long before computers were available to the masses. We have far too much technology chasing more and more useless and parasitic activities. This is what REAL POWER and WEALTH CREATION looks like:

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Codes are for virtual part of human life.


3 years ago

@hqwebsite: I get it. But, I'd say far more coding is done for more useless activities than in the past. Way back when only large insitutions had any need for computers (mainframes), that was when computers added value to the economy. Hey, I like computer games and porn like anybody else but, the democratization of high tech has destroyed far more than it has created. Cryptocurriences, in particular, are Exhibit "A" of a criminal waste of electric power and resources.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Computer back then was purely computational machine. To speed up mathematical process like census and economic projection. With the introduction of home computer, common people find a new way to have virtual fun. It was like the radio. In the beginning, only government has radio communication. It was used for meteorological study, military, trans oceanic communication as well as astronomy. Later they realized how useful radio broadcast is in spreading propaganda. Eventually radio entertainment and advertisement becomes a thing for masses. A tool to control people.

3 years ago

Those DNAs locked in Svalbald Seed Vault are lucky. Their genetics are preserved and they don't have to pay for it.

3 years ago

F**k man, that letter hit me so hard. I'm in the exact same situation, I even had stoped working. The worst part is knowing that no matter how much I put in society it won't payout in any way... You can only hope that someday something will eventually payout, like a living lottery where every new day is a failed ticket. This way I feel no diferent than a sperm, desperatly trying do achieve some goal that I don't even know what is or if I'm capable of.

Honestly, determinism had me loosing almost all hope, I just didn't end my life because of some friends and family.

3 years ago

I understand, it's a twisted current situation we are all in. Stay in the fight, keep living and grinding. Whatever we are dealing with, there is a solution and others have gone through much worse. Hang in there, better days and times are ahead. enjoy the struggle, reach out anytime

3 years ago

Sandman sums it up : more about a higher calling/purpose in life, Men have genetic software to want to serve others, or the tribe in general. You can still have a kid through surrogate if you truly wanted a child. Or, you could roll the dice & be a sperm donor, they have a few sites just dedicated to such unofficial, volunteer sperm donorship. Only issue is that this can be a significant risk for being in child support issues and/or the child is raised by Lesbos or other single mom wackies. You could be quite discriminating and properly vet any potential sperm receivers. Beyond that, most important thing is to not get married, forget co-parenting bc one can never trust a female, surrogate is the best way if you truly desire children. Or, forget all that emotional self-torture and listen to the great insight & advice of Sandman. Follow your passions

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